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She looked at her cellphone for the time. It was 9:16 am in Hawaii. She stood up and looked out of the window. She heard footsteps from behind her.

"It doesn't makes any sense to me. Why you chose the biggest island, instead of a small one," a voice said.

She shrugged her shoulders and stepped back.

"Sasha, come on now."

She sat back down. "I just like the tropics," she said, looking at the girl in an American Eagle top and a demin shorts with Madelline New York mascara. "and I like the fact that it's reggae based."

The girl frowned as she looked at Sasha. "What is that supposed to mean?" the girl asked.

"It means that Rihanna's Music of the Sun album and the Marley's should be on every radio station here," Sasha replied. "and besides, Jane... We might see that boy, your always talking about."

"Oh, me," Jane said. "Come on, Sass. You talk about him too."

"Fair enough."

Sasha grabbed Jane's arm and pulls her towards the door.

"Where are we going?" Jane asked.

"The beach," Sasha answered, opening the door and dragged Jane along with her.

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