Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Hey guys! Thanks for all of you who read, voted, or became a fan of me and my book! I really appreciate it!

Pic of Drew Blake (isn't he just gorgeous!) ----------->

Vote if you think Adam Gregory (Drew) is sexy!(:

Comment, vote, and enjoy!

The chirping of birds awoke me from my peaceful slumber. I didn't need an alarm clock when the sheer terror of being unprotected from my other pack members allowed me to become such a light sleeper. Who knows what they would do to me when I was sleeping and unarmed?

'Nice thoughts in the morning, Arianna' I grumbled to myself. Dashing into the bathroom, I took a quick shower before throwing on a pair of grey sweats and a purple sweatshirt. I combed my fingers through my hair and grabbed my bag.

Walking downstairs as quietly as I could in a packhouse full of wolves, I retreated to the kitchen to make them breakfast.

I set the huge platter of pancakes, syrup, waffles, bacon, sausage, toast, cereal, morning smoothies and orange juice onto the dining table. In my opinion, they were more pig-like than wolf with all the food they ate. But I was truly envious. All I ate for breakfast was a piece of fruit and a glass of water.

I was washing my hands in the sink when I heard the all-too familiar sound of heavy footsteps approaching the kitchen. Shutting the water off, I tip toed quietly towards the corner and stood there.

'The kitchen is clean, food is cooked, and everyone's things are all ready to go in the front foyer' I said to myself, imaginarily checking off each one on my mental to do list.

Soon, my father came into view, and it took all my willpower not to cringe at him as a reflex. Just his presence set my wolf on edge. He grabbed an aspirin from the medicine cabinet and a glass of water before retreating back the way he came. I sighed inwardly; he didn't notice me this time. I didn't want to be the first one he saw after waking up from a hangover.

Glancing at the stairs one more time, I went back towards the kitchen counter, cleaning up the mess he made. Suddenly, the loud voices of my fellow pack mates floated to my ears. Scurrying back towards the corner once more, I stood still, eyes to the floor and hands clasped behind my back. I could feel their presence as they sat in the dining room, feeding off the breakfast I made them.

"Eww! What the HELL is this crap!?" Dana, Alpha Drew's girlfriend, screeched. 'Uh oh,' I gulped, 'what did I do wrong? Oh god, I'm so dead,'

All too soon, I felt a large hand swipe across my face, throwing it towards the right. I looked down, biting my lip and holding back tears that were threatening to spill out.

"What the fuck is this crap?!? I want breakfast for my girlfriend, not garbage! Now go make her something else you useless bitch!" Drew screamed, causing my wolf to whimper in pain.

'Huh, why would my wolf be so upset? It's not like this hasn't happened before,'

I nodded mutely at him. My cheek burned from the impact, probably leaving a bruise there. At least my werewolf healing would help with it.

I quickly made a substitute fat free smoothie for Dana before heading out the door after the pack. They all got into their expensive cars, leaving me to walk to school. Of course they would. They couldn't be burdened with having me flaw their perfect reputation.

I was the freak at school, the loner. I was always like this, even before mom's death. People thought it was weird that I barely talked, so they avoided me. To be honest, I was just a shy kid, but people were always quick to judge. Then, following the death of my mom gave them another reason to justify their stereotype of me. I almost never talked anymore. I just went through class like a mindless zombie.

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