Chapter 4

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They Say Love Hides Behind Every Corner. I Must Be Walking in Circles.

 Chapter 4

Three hours before my date, Jasmine, Maddie and I found ourselves back at the mall, in search of the "perfect outfit" for me to wear. This was obviously Jasmine's idea. Ceci decided to sit this one out. Smart kid.

"You should wear pink," Jasmine declared. "You can't go wrong with pink."

I raised my left eyebrow. "Oh, I'm sure you can."

"No, you can't," she insisted. "I wear pink all the time, and frankly, I look fabulous in it. Maddie wears pink pretty often, too, and she always looks awesome."

Maddie grinned. "I look good in anything!"

My friends are so conceited. It's a wonder I still hang out with them.

"Okay, fine, I'll wear pink." I sighed after they began staring me down. I'm too weak when it comes to my friends getting their way. And when it comes to them giving me The Stare, I'm a total wussy.

Jasmine clapped her hands together in glee. "Alrighty then, let's head to Meg's!"

Meg's was this really girly store, the kind that Forrest and his friends wouldn't be caught dead in, unless they were forced to go in by their girlfriends or something. That brought up a good point: did Forrest have a girlfriend? Because I didn't think she'd be very happy by the fact that I stole his milk, money and bracelet. The subject came up easily, though, and I didn't even have to mention it myself. I probably wouldn't have, anyway, out of fear of being questioned pointlessly as to why I was so curious about it.

"Do you think Paul has a girlfriend?" Maddie asked.

"Paul?" Jasmine looked at Maddie with a confused face. "Who in the Sam's Heck is Paul?"

Maddie sighed loudly. I assumed it embarrassed her to have to continue on the subject. I think she regretted mentioning it, as I would have if I had mentioned my curiosity about Forrest's love life. "He's Forrest's friend, you know, the one with the jet-black hair, and gorgeous green eyes, and amazing smile, and sexy six-pack, and-" Jasmine cut her off. "Whoa, there, hold your horses, Cherty." Jasmine held up a hand, and we all halted to a stop. "Did you say six-pack?"

I rolled my eyes. I should have known that this would be the part that caught her eye, not Maddie's obvious infatuation with Paul. "Yeah," Maddie repeated, "I said six-pack."

Jasmine's eyes twinkled. "How do you know he has a six-pack?"

"Oh, just because I saw it," Maddie said with a grin, and Jasmine gasped. "You saw it?!"

Jasmine was probably jealous, because the only person's six-pack she had ever seen in real life was her cousin's, and that would be gross if she had liked it, so it didn't count. The person she would have liked to have seen shirtless was Damien, though. In Jasmine standards, she'd probably be satisfied, I suppose, because my brother is a meat-head and likes to work out. He says that he wants to stay fit for Bianca. I'm sure she appreciates it, as Jasmine would if she could sneak a peek at him, but whatever.

Maddie just nodded happily. "When I went to Forrest's house to get him to come over here to help me out with you two, Paul was there, too, kicking Forrest's butt on the Xbox," she explained, "and like a normal guy, he didn't bother with a shirt."

Jasmine frowned. Oh, she was jealous, alright. "It's alright, I guess," Jasmine said after a moment. "I mean, you're so obviously into him, so if anyone should've gotten to see him shirtless, it's you."

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