The Luminescence

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The Luminescence

He hid under scraps of metal and bodies of his past allies.  The sound of swords clashing and guns firing in his ears.  Leaning back he recalled the time before the war and separation.  He may have been a kid back then but the image was still quite clear.  Everyone lived in peace and prosperity.  The light and dark came together in harmony as friends not enemies.  But after the election of their new leader everything changed.  Fights and riots would appear outside of the council building.  Most of the riots consisted of parts of the darkness.  Later on the darkness were separated from the civilization and elected one of their own to guide them.  This man was known as Erebus.  Erebus was told to be fierce and merciless.  Two weeks later our elected leader was murdered.  Rumors spread that is was The Darkness who killed him and that it was them whom we should all have put blame upon.  Therefore The Darkness was banned from the light to never return again and so we were also banned from their so called turf down below the clouds.

He quickly opened his eyes to the explosion of bombs near his hiding place.  Bolting from under the scraps of metal he tripped over his own boots and fell knocking his head against a rock.  He tried to get up but stumbled down and then the world went black. 

The Boy

“Sir a man was found located near the base.”  “Then why are you still here Lester bring the man in!”  “Yes Sir! Right away Sir!” Turning from the big flat screen TV Lester quickly ran toward the hallway.  Lester is a thin man who isn’t that strong in size or mind. He has light red hair, is very pale and is tall for his extremely short parents.  Lester ran through the halls and up to the first floor just below ground level.  “Lieutenant bring him in for me.” Lester orders “Why because you can’t do it yourself.” Maria replies. Maria is tan skinned, with a bright mind and quite fit. She tends to be sarcastic and often pranks the people around her.  She may not be popular but many people enjoy her company. 

Fine I’ll do it.” Rolling her eyes she walks towards a concealed door.  Its rusty hinges squeaking as she opens it.  A gust of warm air rushed from the room. In the room sat a young man about fourteen to sixteen.  Sweat glistened off of his shiny black hair.  “He’s all yours.” Maria says swiftly walking away.  “Uh, what’s your name son?” Lester asks. “Hmph” The boy smirks and looks up, his smile revealing pearly white teeth. “Well since you asked I don’t really feel the need to tell you seeing as how your lieutenant there can easily figure out who I am from my possessions.”  Lester turns around and steps out of the room slowly walking to Maria.  “Is this true?” Lester asks, his face paler than usual.  “Well I did have to pry a chain from his neck so you tell me.” She grabs a grey bin filled with a few things on the boy.  Lester sifts through the bin finally finding the silver chain that was once on the boy’s neck.  He turns it over looking at the front.  Engraved in the side was Courage, Strength, Honesty, Loyalty and power under those words were the initials D.N and on the back was a name. 

Lester throws the chain back into the bin and walks back into the room were the boy still sat.  A look of amusement on his face.  “So your name is Descole Nightspirit, does that mean that” “Yes” The boy cut in. “Well Descole you have to come with me, we have a great deal to discuss.” Lester takes the keys from Maria and slowly unlocked Descole’s cuffs.  Holding the boys hands behind his back he slowly escorts him to the conference room.

The Rebellion

 “Sir, he’s here.” Lester says gesturing the young man towards one of the many chairs.  Descole quickly finds a seat closest to the door and sits down.  “So who is this?” The man we all know as Sir asked.  “Well Sir, this is Descole Nightspirit he’s um part of “The Corruption,” Lester explains.  “Why is he here then?”  Sir asks.  “Well maybe that’s a question you should’ve asked him, isn’t it?” The boy says with his arms folded across his chest.  “Fine just answer the question already we don’t need any of your attitude.” Lester said scowling at the boy.  “Well it was the day of the conference.” Descole leaned his head back and tried to remember all of the details.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2014 ⏰

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