Chapter 2

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The sound of the dirt bike started and then sputtered and died. With a grumble and curse underneath his breath mason ran his dirt hand through his dirty blonde hair. He sighed seeming aggrivated with the whole thing. The sound of tires crunching on the gravel tore his focus away from the bike for a moment. He glanced up with his hazel green eyes, his face and hands were smeared with grease. He stood, wiping his hands on his blue jeans and tugged on his muscle shirt before grabbing a dirty rag from a table that sat close by with a stereo on it that was playing some rock music.

A girl stepped out of the black mustang. She wore short jean shorts and  black tank top. She smiled as she ran her hand through her bleach blonde hair and leaned against her car. Mason stepped up to her giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek. She looked him over with disgust at the site of the grease all over him. "Why do you continue to work on those things." she rolled her eyes. "They seem like more trouble than they are worth."

He sighed and used the rag to clean off his hands a bit more. Glancing at the bike. I have to get it running. The dirt bikes start racing tomorrow and I want to be there, racing along with them. "Just like you like your clothes and your perfect nails and make-up. I like my bikes."

She ignored what he said and soon cut him off from saying anything more. "So since your going to be working on that piece of junk all day, are we still on for tonight?"

He smiled and leaned in for a kiss on her lips. She turned her head away making him place a kiss upon her cheek once more. "Of course babe, see you at seven?" She gave him a pouty expression and stared at him with her deep brown eyes. He couldn't help but laugh as he gently grabbed her hips and pulled her close to him. "alright six thirty." she gave him a deep kiss on his lips and then turned climbing back into her mustang. She put the car into gear spun the tires and pulled out.

"Love you baby." she called out the window as she took off down the road. He waved and then turned away shaking his head as he gave another look at the bike. He then glanced down at his watch. "That means I have four hours to get you up and running." He said as he stared back at the bike. Reaching for the beer bottle that sat on the table near the stereo he picked it up taking a long sip. Then he moved back over to the bike, kneeling down to inspect it.

He sighed as he picked up his tool and starting working at it again for a few minutes. The sound of another dirt bike could be heard as it came into the driveway. The rider pulled it into a wheelie before landing it back on the ground and killing the engine. He then reached up and pulled off his helmet, revealing his dark brown hair. Mason looked up but didn't stand this time as he once again focused on the task in front of him.

Jake climbed off his bike and set his helmet down on the table as he approached Mason. "Any luck?" he asked. Mason glanced up and shook his head no in response. Letting him know that he was getting annoyed with it.

He finally stood up and threw the dirty rag at the bike as he turned away. "Ugh, I don't know what else to do man! I've tried everything and she just won't stay running. I have to get her running by tomorrow. It doesn't help that Cassidy wants me to pick her up at six thirty tonight. That only gives me four hours to get this thing running. He ran his hand threw his hair once more and finally looked at Jake.

Jake kneeled down to take a look at what Mason was working on, and without even asking he picked up a tool and started to mess around with it. He looked up at Mason. "Just relax man, I'm sure we will get her running, let me try to figure this out. You look like you could use a break.

Mason nodded and walked over to the table once more. Picking up the beer he crossed his arms and leaned against the table. He leaned over and turned up the radio and took a sip from the beer once more before looking at what Jake was doing.

Jake fiddeled with something in the small engine part that ran the bike. "You know man. This part right here is loose."

After tighteing the piece he stood up and then crossed his leg over and sat on the bike. He then started it. The dirt bike roared to life. Jake turned and looked at Mason with a smile.

"No way!" Mason replied as a smile creeped across his lips. "I feel stupid, I don't know why I didn't think about checking that." He took one more sip from his beer and then set it down once more. He walked over to where Jake sat on the bike and gave him a high five. "Thanks man."

He climbed off the bike and allowed mason to sit down on it. Handing him his helmet he grinned. "We got a few hours to spare. Let's ride."

Mason placed his helmet on his head. and then after backing the bike up a bit he took one glance behind him. Jake sat on his bike, his helmet on as well. He gave him a thumbs up symbol. Mason picked his feet up and took off behind his garage. He turned and after making another turned he ended up out on the road. Jake was close behind him.

Ater a few miles they made it to the track where they were going to be racing tomorrow. Mason left the road and jumped over the hillside that led down into the track. He landed fine and slid to the side. Gaining control and momentum he began to drive the track doing tricks on all the jumps. He was back into his element. Jake continued to follow and after one circle around the track they both stopped. Jake roade up beisde mason and they both took off their helmets. Mason was grinning.

"This track is amazing." He took in a deep breath and looked around. seeing the tents and the rides that were placed only a few feet away he sighed. "I just hate the fact that it has to be on the fair grounds. And I really hate the fact that there is more than one event taking place tomorrow." he frowned. "That makes people have to choose."

Jake grinned. "Yeah but what would you rather see, a dirt bike race, or Horse jumping."

Mason laughed. "Yeah I guess your right. I can't wait to see these bleachers filled up tomorrow."

He reached out his hand to high five Jake once more. They then placed their helmets back onto their heads and took off heading back towards Mason's house.

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