Chapter Twenty-eight

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Suzume took a couple steps backwards in an attempt to get away from Kaito. She stepped on the hem of her overlong pants and lost her balance. In an attempt to regain balance she swung her arms out and lost her grip upon the staff in the process. It flew from her hand and across the room. At the same time she stumbled, Kaito’s hand shot forward and grabbed her by the wrist. She was tugged in the opposite direction and down onto the sleeping mat with him. He rolled over and pinned her beneath him. She swung her free hand to try and strike him. She moved fueled by panic and she did not even think to summon her powers. This proved to be a mistake. Kaito grabbed her by both hands and held her to the mat by her wrists, his thighs pinned her waist. His eyes were a blazing blue like the spikes of ice he had hurled at her earlier in the day.

“Let me go!” She snarled and wiggled beneath him. He tightened his grip in response.

He laughed and the blue fire was gone from his eyes. “Why would I do that when you’re so adorable all trussed up?”

Suzume flushed and tried to summon the song Akira had been singing moments before.  The song had slipped through her fingers. She had not thought to memorize the words. Besides, with Kaito cackling on top of her it was impossible to concentrate hard enough to channel her energy.  When Kaito had woken and broken her concentration, all the dams of energy she had made were broken and the energy flowed back to its original locations. She felt the energy rushing and burning through her veins as they travelled back to their original locations. It left her weak and her limbs heavy. She was helpless once again.  Her only consolation was her instinctual powers of protection that prickled along her wrists and Kaito’s hands. His fingers smoked and she felt like pins running up and down her arm as if her limbs had fallen asleep. He did not let go despite the burn he must be feeling.

 “You were not supposed to wake up,” She argued. It was the only defense she had left.

“Then you should not have sung the song of awakening.” He replied. A wicked grin turned up the corners of his mouth.

Suzume’s eyes grew large as saucers and she whipped her head in Akira’s direction. The mysterious woman was smirking at the pair of them. Kaito turned his gaze to follow Suzume’s line of sight.

“You tricked me!” Suzume shouted.

Akira shifted forms and became Tsuki. “I wouldn’t call it a trick.” He leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. “It was meant to help, honestly.”

Kaito’s grip tightened on Suzume’s wrist, hard enough that she gasped in pain. He did not notice, but her wrists were freezing beneath his touch, they were burning from the cold. Her skin heated in response. The air sizzled as ice met fire where their skin touched and steam poured forth from their connection.

“I should have known you two were behind this,” Kaito growled. His eyes flashed blue for only a moment.

He let go of Suzume’s wrists and eased off of her. Suzume jumped up and skittered across the room for her staff. Her wrists were raw and red from where their competing powers had clashed on her skin. She stared at Kaito’s back. He didn’t kill me. Not that I’m complaining, but I thought he would kill me on sight.

“Don’t try pegging this on us, Dragon. We did as we were told. We helped the priestess get the staff and we woke you before the false priest put you in an endless slumber. Don’t you think you should be thanking us? How could you not sense him the moment you got here?”

Kaito’s gaze was dark and dangerous. Suzume glanced between Tsuki and Kaito. Now is my chance to make an end of all of them-- or should I run? But where could I run? Not back to the palace. I’m not even sure how to get there anymore. She looked at the staff held tight in her grasp. I won’t leave without the staff. It belongs to me, but the priest won’t let me take it regardless, I bet. But what if he’s not a priest at all? She shook her head to rid herself of self-doubt. I’ll deal with him when it comes to it. She closed her eyes and focused her energy, recalling the method Akira had taught her about the dams. Before she could get half the energy called forth, Kaito spun around and knocked the staff from her hand once more. It clattered on the ground, sliding across the reed mats where it collided with the wall.

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