Eleven. (2021 Update - Small Edit.)

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Content Warning: Mature Theme.


After several hours of a nap, the girls had woken me up because they had wanted to play the gaming system that I had hooked up in the living room. Of course, I didn't want to get up, but knowing them and the way things had been at home, they probably never really had a chance to take a risk to play video games. Sitting up in the bed, I ran my hand through my hair before climbing out of bed. 

Making my way towards the closet, I opened the door and reached for a shirt and some sweats before turning my attention on the twins and throwing a pair of sweats and shirts at them. The twins had quickly caught the shirts and sweats with ease and quickly slipped them on, which had surprised me at how fast they had managed to do. 

"That was fast," I stated, making my way to the bedroom door. Opening the door, I stepped out of the room and walked down the hallway until I stood in the living room. To my surprise, Jake had been standing in the kitchen. I raised an eyebrow at him, taking in his new look. 

He had been wearing a burgundy button-up shirt that was more than likely tucked into his suit pants. The shirt's sleeves were slightly rolled up, allowing the display of his watch and a couple of rings on his fingers—one on his ring finger and the other on his right pinky. 

"Well, good morning Angel," Jake spoke, a small smile on his lips as he reached out and took a sip of his bottle of beer. His black eyes had zeroed in on my chest briefly before they drifted behind me. I waited for him to say something, but when he didn't, I continued to make my way towards the couch, well aware of the twins and his eyes lingering on each other, "I see you've taken to twins now. How long until you kick them out?" Jake asked, gaining my full attention. Gazing at him with a hard stare, I turned my body to face him; the question was clearly evident in my eyes as he gave out a small laugh and took another swig of his beer. 

"I'm not an idiot. Laya told me what happened, how you dropped her so fast." A low growl rumbled in my chest, barely leaving my lips as I stepped towards him. He had no idea what he had been talking about, "Yeah, she said something along the line of 'She left me and started seeing others. Even after she said, she had loved me.' It was a difficult sight to see, especially in Laya." At this, the growl escaped my lips, causing Jake to give out his signature devil may care smile. 

An immense rapture of sparks had consumed my body as another growl escaped my lips. I knew she had left information out when she told others; it had made sense. She didn't want anyone to know that she had almost killed me, that she had been the one to break our bond. Clenching my hands into a tight fist, I sucked in sharply before releasing the air. My eyes had locked with Jake's, which caused him to raise an eyebrow. Jake stepped further into view, allowing me to see his entire body as he leaned against the kitchen counter. His beer in one hand, while the other was slipped into his pocket. 

"You don't know what you're talking about," I had managed out, trying to hold Romeo back. But, unfortunately, my nails had been digging into the palm of my hands once again. Jake gave out a small sigh as he placed his beer down and crossed his arms over his chest, waiting for me to tell him the whole story. While Jake could come off as an asshole most of the time, he was a fantastic guy and friend once you had gotten to know him. 

"Then tell me, what did Laya leave out? Because I know you well enough to know that you don't just do that, especially if you've admitted to loving someone. Or, are you really like that? Are you going to leave these two girls after tonight? Are you going to leave them, even after they've marked you? Like you did with Laya?" The twins gave out a growl from this; their grip on my hands tightened, which caused my wolf to call out to me. Romeo wanted out, but I couldn't allow that to happen. 

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