Chapter 23 ♕ The City of Loquin (pt. 2)

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Emerging from the tunnel, a fine orchard greeted the group. The sight of it was simply breathtaking that one wouldn't even believe that the city ahead of them was currently being overrun by demons. The trees bore beautiful buds of white flowers. Patches of lush, green grasses grew all over the place that the ground could barely be seen.

"Now this is unusual." Aneeka commented. "Spring in the middle of winter?"

A fork on the road came before them, each going into different paths. The mere sight signified the fact that they had to part at that moment. It made Valeriana disappointed that they wouldn't go together from then on, but it couldn't be helped. As she looked around, she couldn't help but think.

Valeriana knew that she was still getting used to her newfound abilities. She still didn't know the extent of what she could actually do, but she was getting the idea. She never actually came close to strong demons before. She had only personally seen a handful based on her experiences, and she tried not to go near the barriers around the academy as much as she could in fear of undergoing a situation she wasn't sure she could handle. She remembered asking Lady Agatha about her ability to sense demons' presence and if she could train with it, but the last time she asked, she was told that she should temporarily continue the 'usual' while the woman continued to look into the matter.

Although this was nothing compared to the presence of the demons around the academy, it was there.

She looked around and felt the tiniest sliver of suspicion. Now that she started to study her surroundings, the whole thing felt unnatural. Well, everything was out of place from the start. Considering how it was winter on the other side, and this place suddenly a blossoming nest of blooming flowers and teeming shrubbery and plant life.

A place of unsettling peace.

This wasn't the typical peaceful place one could actually let their guard down in. If ever, it made her hackles rise further. It was the same feeling as throwing yourself in the lion's den. This place resembled a Venus flytrap.

Tamara walked forward, rubbing her jaws and popping her knuckles. Charles, on the other hand, looked around suspiciously. The other members of the Twelve were in utter disbelief.

"This doesn't seem to fit an image of a city 'overtaken by demons'." Zion crossed his arms and eyed his surroundings dubiously. "This doesn't make sense at all. Winter's blowing hard on the other side of the tunnel and spring's in full bloom?"

True to his words, things didn't turn quite the way they expected it to.

Was this place supposed to be Loquin? Or were they mistaken? Valeriana was having the exact same thoughts.

"Well, this is unnerving. I expected a snowy scenario, but this completely went against my expectations."

"Don't get deceived by appearance." Corvan said, raking his fingers through his hair. The long strands slipped silkily between his fingers. "You saw what happened in the tunnel. This might be a trap."

Like, how does he do that with his hair.

"He's right. Don't let your guard down." Rowe agreed.

"I won't ever be comfortable in a place that's too peaceful anyway." Tamara commented. "Ah, so does that mean I can get out of these clothes? I'm feeling hot already."

Silently, Valeriana agreed with both of her previous statements.

"No." Corvan waved his hand in disapproval as Tamara started taking off her winter coat. "Keep those on. This is still Prelurésia, we don't know what to expect."

The third-ranker muttered protests. "But I'll sweat a lot if I keep it on . . ."

After taking a few seconds examining their surroundings, the second-ranker decided to speak. Valeriana took the time looking between each of her comrades, silently wishing them luck. Even Courtney, who she briefly exchanged gazes with. It was awkward having to look into each other's eyes though, seeing as both of them had an unpleasant history. Seeing that, they looked away at the same time.

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