Chapter 4 (Part 1/2)

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I have been here for a week now and things were going great, me and Niall were getting on really well, and me Sammie, Teagan and Camille we are already best friends.

Today was Saturday and Niall had asked me to meet him at the park in 20 minutes so I put on cute ruffled dress with floral patterns on it, I slid on my warm, and fluffy chocolate brown uggs and then quickly tied my hair into a messy bun, gotta look good for Niall I thought, then slipped on my leather jacket.

The park was five minutes away so it was a fairly short walk. When I reached the park I could see Niall on the swing set so I ran up and sat on the swing beside him.

"Hey Niall"

"Hey um, Rachel's there's a reason I brought you here today." He grabbed my hand and brought me deep into the woods, I didn't question were we were going because I trusted him. After a few minutes of walking he asked me to close my eyes and open them in 10 seconds.

Thats exactly what I did. When I opened my eyes I could see the beautiful sunset, and a sparkly lake, and beautiful wild flowers surrounding the area. It was amazing.

"Oh my gosh Niall, its beautiful Ive never seen anything like this before." I said smiling.

"I promised if I ever found a girl as beautiful as this scene I'd take her here, but I didn't find one, I found one who is even more beautiful, and what if she's you and I happen to love you?" he said with a grin on his face.

"Then I'd do this" I replied, and walked up to him and kissed him, when our lips seperated we just stared at each other for minutes, then fell into a deep kiss. We our lips seperated once again he said "Will you be my princess?" "I shall be your princess, my prince." I replied giggling. We held hands and walked all the way back to school hugging, starring at each other and holding hands.

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