'I Told Her I Was Sorry' My Ass - Lautner POV - Chapter Two

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I jumped in my car and fired up the engine. I flew out of the drive way. I found myself driving to Taylor's old house. Joe's house. I don't even think I relized what I was doing! I jumped out of the car and walked up to the front door. One step at a time. I banged on the door. I heard footstepts and I found myself to be clentching my fists. My heart was beating crazy fast and the door opened.

   The look on Joes face face was indiscribable. A look of confusion. Before I knew it, I had pushed him to the ground, takling him. Somehow his hand was free and now slamming me in the face, my nose and right eye started to throb! Instantly, I felt it start to swell. I threw a few punches back. "How could you do that to her?!" I yelled at him.

"I told her I was sorry!"

"Sorry doesn't cut it when you abused her for years! Then get her drunk and have sex with her! That's not sorry! You obviously haven't seen what she did to herself after you left!"

"If this is about the alcohol, I brought it back!"

"Your crazy!" I started throwing a few more hits and he just took them. He threw a few back, but was too weak.

I stopped after I realized what I was doing. I knew if I hit him any harder and enough more times, I could knock him out and break his face! I stood up and relaxed my hands. "I hope you realize what you caused your so called true love. If I were you, I'd back away, and stay away for awhile."

"Whatever you do..." He mumbled as he rose to his feet, "please, don't tell Julianne... what happened."

"Julianne, what does Julianne have to do with anything?!"

"She would never forgive, and probably leave me for life. I can't risk that... She will already be crazy mad at me when she see's my face, but you hit the right places, and probably won't leave a bunch of marks! Your smart, Lautner. All that movie training must do you some good. No wonder she's in love with you. I could never stand up for her like you just did."

I scoffed and left. I jumped in the car and started to drive back home. I realized Julianne would probably be there and that probably wouldn't be the best idea. I called Jackson, and thank god, Ashley wasn't home. I rushed over there and bargged into his house.

"Wow! Dude, what the frigg happened?!"

"Remeber how awhile ago you told me to meet with Joe? Well... I did!"

"Are you serious? You got beat up by Joe?"

I huffed. "No, I beat up Joe..."

His eyes widened. "What?! Why?!"

"He had sex with Taylor... That's why she went to the hospital, because she scratched herself up so bad."

"Oh my god! That's... Crazy!"

"Babe, I'm home!" I called, after finally bringing up the nerve to see her. "Are you almost ready?

I heard her pout, "no! I can't find anything to wear!"

I started to upstairs and snuck behind her. I wrapped my arms around her tiny body as she closed her eyes. "What's wrong with the one you got on?" I asked.

She opened my eyes and looked at me in the mirror and smiled but her smile quickly turned into a frown. She spun around in my eyes, my eye was way purple by now.  "What on earth happened?!" She exclaimed trying to get a better look but I kept pulling away.

"Don't freak out..." I said softly, finally turning my head to look her in the eyes.

"Don't freak out?! Is that ev-"


"Right... Sorry...  But how did this happen? You need to get ice!"

"Let's go downstairs."

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