Disaster of a Date

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"FIRE!!! FIRE!!!"



Oh, hey!

So you're probably confused as to what is happening, huh?

Well.....instead of spending time explaining it, lets just have a flashback!

Sound good?

Let's do it.


"Ugh, what to wear, what the hell to wear?!" I panic.

Abbie walks in eyes wide and confused. "what's the big deal?"

"The big deal is I have nothing to wear for my date with Rythian!" I panicked.

"Oh, him." Abbie said rolling her eyes and walking away.

What kind of six year old is she?

....is she even six?

I think she's six.

She looks six.

"How old are you?"


"I knew it!"

"No you never..."

I sweatdropped, and sighed.

You know what? Fudge it!

I grabbed a pair of long black shorts and a red tank top that shows my stomach a little with the words

'I'm selling cupcakes and slaps....I'm all out of cupcakes'

I never get to wear normal clothes, it's only my normal clothing for ninja stuff.

I grab a pair of combat boots and head out to the living area to put them on.

"It's not even eleven, what time did he say he'd get you at?" Abbie asked.

I shrugged, "He didn't say."

The door opened and in walked Kakashi!

"Hey!" I cheered rushing to hug him.

After a reluctant hug and a few sarcastic remarks, Kakashi looked at Abbie confused but then smile a polite smile.

"Who's this?"

"This is Abbie, Fidoshi-Sensei's daughter." I said.

"When's my daddy coming to get me?" She asked.

I bit my lip and shrugged, "I'm not sure, he probably got lost and went to the sand village! Don't worry!"

Kakashi gave me a look saying that we'll talk later and I nodded.

"Why're you dressed differently today?" he asked going to the small bookshelf and grabbing another random copy of Jaraiya's perverted book....

"Well," Abbie started and I stood behind Kakashi with the hand to the neck slicing motion.

AKA, cut! Sh! Zip it!


"Fine!" I sighed dramatically, "I'm going out with some friends for the day and act normal for once."

"They're really asking the impossible out of you, kid." Kakashi said.



"That wasn't nice...." Kakashi from the ceiling said.

"I really hate you right now." I said glaring with a maniac grin.

I'm Messed Up and Proud! [A Special Naruto FanFic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now