Chapter 36

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Hey darlings! shout out for suncookie16 and cinnamon16 oh and Zayn_Malik_all_day! hope I got your usernames right! you know you all love me? please check out my new book her name was Victoria, if you do I'll give you a follow and shout out.

Liam's P.O.V

Once again, we were all in the giant yellow mini-bus. It felt strange not having as many people in there, chatting happily or snoring loudly. Niall had his head placed in my lap as I carded my fiingers through his purple locks, the Irish lad sighed glancing at Louis. Louis was staring intently at the road as he gripped the steering wheel.

I leant down and pressed a small kiss to Niall's forehead, as his eyes drifted back to me. " he'll be okay, so will Harry." I whipered encouragingly. To be honest, I didn't know if everything was going to be alright.

But I couldnt brake down now, everyone needed me. Sure, sometimes I need someone to be there for me, to tell me everything is going to be alright. But it's not all about me.

I carried on carding my fingers through Niall's hair as I stared out of the window. Tree's rushed past, blurring into a giant never ending slab of green. Like a long stroke of green paint on a canvas.

One of my teachers once told me the world was your canvas, but I'm starting to realize how wrong she was. We like to think that we have a firm grip on our lives, that we have control. But truth is, life is unpredictable. Everything can come crashing down on you like a ton of bricks. It's an endless road with many turns, pick the wrong one. It's all over.

I used to believe I had a firm grip on my life, now everything is spiraling out of control..

Niall's P.O.V

I watched Liam furrow his eyebrows together, causing small creases to form on his forehead. This was something he always did when he was thinking. I knew that most of the time, Liam would keep things bottled up.

He was such a selfless person, always put people before him. Trust me, it makes me love him even more that he is so nice and caring. But he needs to know I'm always here for him.

" Li?" I mumbled as I nuzzled further into his lap, looking up at him through my lashes.He looked down at me instantly, as the sun caught his hazel nut eyes making them glimmer.

I smiled.

" yeah pumpkin?" He said softly, giving me his classic loving smile that made my heart melt. I chewed on my bottom lip and let out a long breathe, YOLO right?

" I just want you to know. That I'm always here if you wanna talk, I mean about anything. I know I always tell you things when I get upset and you always listen. Its just, you keep things bottled up and dont try and say you dont, because I know you do. You're my rock, but I'm yours as well. I always will be . A relationship works both ways bambi. If you ever get upset, I'll always listem and try to help you. I just wanted you to kn-"

I was cut off by a pair of soft lips being preSsed gently against mine, just as they were there Liam pulled back with watery eyes " I love you" he whispered. I smiled softly " I love you too bambi..."

Zayn's P.O.V

I threw the pink bike in the bushes and crept up to a window, I peered in and was shocked and disgusted by what I saw. Greg was hovering over Him, thrusting furiously into him as Harry simply laid still with a blank look on his face.

With shaking hands, I whipped out my phone from ny pocket.

' Hey babe'

' Per, y-you need to hurry..'

' What? Why? Zayn what's wrong? are you hurt? do you have Harry?'

" Well looky here" My head snapped up and the phone fell to the floor when I aaw Jimmy

' Zayn' Perrie aaid down the phone.

But there was no reply . . .

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