Confession #8

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Confession #8

He's finally come around...but is it too late?

He held my hand and walked with me down the halls, as if he was showing off a prized possession. I had never been acknowledged like this before and I absolutely couldn’t get enough. When we passed Andrea in the hall, she practically needed her drones to pick her jaw off of the floor. We could hear the whispers, the good and the bad, but it didn’t matter what they said. He walked me to my locker then left me so he could head to his, which was pretty far from mine.

I put away the books that I didn’t need yet then closed my locker. Alex stood there, startling me. He looked agitated and hurt.

“So you’re with that dipshit now?” He questioned.

I nodded.

“Good luck with that, don’t call me when he breaks your heart.” He spat.

“Why would I call you…you already broke it.” I replied. I didn’t listen to anything else he had to say. I turned and walked away, trying to keep my composure.

I paid him no attention the entire class period; I ignored all his efforts to get me to talk to him…at least I did till we got paired up for a project that counted for thirty-five percent of our final grade.

“So are you going to talk to me now?” He asked.

I kept writing, “Not till I have to.” I replied coldly.

He huffed and pulled mychair to face him.

“What?” I asked. I wondered what he was up to.

“What did you mean when you said that I already broke your heart?” He asked.

“Exactly what I said.” I said, as I scooted my chair back to its original spot.

“But to break your heart, you’d have to like me.” He said cluelessly.

I shook my head and continued to work. How could he not know, that kiss wasn’t very subtle at all. I was thankful that the bell sounded soon after that.

I headed to the cafeteria for lunch, hoping it would be uneventful. I got in the lunch line and wasn’t surprised as to who stood behind me, Hanna. We always ate lunch together, but not anymore. She made a fool of my feelings and an apology was simply not enough.

“So are we ever going to speak again?” She asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and moved forward in the line.

She grabbed my arm to make me face her. “Katya!”

“What? Oh now you want to talk to me now that girlfriend isn’t here?” I questioned.

“Katya, it’s not like that. We were just having fun!” She said.

“So am I…” And with that said, I paid for my food and sat down at an empty table. I could feel stares on me, I could hear the whispers but what could I do, this was high school and everyone is always looking for something to gossip about. There was only one thing to do…give em a smile.

I started to eat my chicken sandwich then I felt a kiss against my cheek. I looked over to my new boyfriend and gave him a smile. He set his food down beside mine and took a seat.

“Did I surprise you?” He asked.

“This whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing surprised me.” I chuckled.

“Well you better get used to this boyfriend/girlfriend thing because I plan on keeping you for a while.” He joked.

He was slowly bringing me out of this boring shell that was called my life. It was easy to open up to him and there was no pressure. The next couple weeks were filled with exciting dates and interesting conversation. He was proving to me that he wasn’t only interested in what I could offer physically, but he actually took an interest in things that I liked. He took me to a concert that starred one of my favorite bands, we went on a picnic in the park and he brought takeout from my favorite Chinese restaurant.

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