Chapter Four

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“Alyson wake up!” I woke up with my sixteen year old sister hitting me with a teddy bear that Bryce gave me.

“Ouch! Stop it Maddie! I’m already awake!” I groaned. “It’s ironic enough that the person who gave that hurt me and now you are hurting me with that.”

“Sorry,” she said, “well a guy is waiting for you outside! You better get up!” She ran out of my room.

There is a guy waiting for me outside? I peeked at the window to see the guy who was waiting for me. There was a car that was parked in front of our lawn and there I saw Cicero leaning at the car texting on his phone as he leaned on his car.

I went outside our house to find out what Cicero is up to.  “Cicero why are you here this early? Something happened?” I asked him.

“Well I told you I’d pick you up right?”

“Oh I didn’t know you were serious,” I grinned. “So you are like my chauffeur kind sir?” I spoke in a British accent.

“Of course milady,” he replied in a British accent, “I’d take you to any place you like so you better get ready—“he suddenly stopped speaking and burst out laughing.

I frowned at him.

“I’m sorry Alyson, but you look really funny right now!” I looked at myself at the side mirror of his car and I realized I looked like crap. My hair was frizzed up and my eye bags were swelling like crazy. I looked like shit. I blushed and ran inside my house.

I immediately took a bath and did my morning rituals. After that I went to my closet and grabbed a pair of blue skinny jeans and a black blouse and a white loose cardigan.

I went downstairs to the kitchen. And saw my mom making pancakes, “Mom I’m going now.” I was pretty sure that they were going to invite Bryce I if I didn’t go now. I’ll just have breakfast in our school.

“So soon?” she asked me. “You should invite your boyfriend waiting outside to have breakfast with us.”

“He’s not my boyfriend and don’t worry we’ll eat at the nearby diner.” She widened her eyes; clearly she didn’t like the idea.

“You are not going to spend your money or your boyfriend’s money on some diner.  You will eat here, understand?” She sounded like an evil queen and it felt like I was obliged to obey her even if I did not care about her rules so I went outside to invite Cicero in.

“Cicero mom wants you to eat with us,” I said lazily.

“I just ate and I’m full.”                                                        

“Oh you do not want to decline to my mom or she’ll put a curse on you.” His eyes widened.


We went inside my house and sat on the dining table. Mom served us pancakes, giving me three with 2 bacon strips on the side and gave Cicero a whopping eight layer and 4 bacon strips on the side.

“I couldn’t decide what syrup to put, maple or chocolate or strawberry, you two just decide. “

We both grabbed the maple syrup at the same time and he blushed at this scene. “Oh you go first Alyson,” he said.

“No it’s okay, you go first,” I said.

“No you,” he insisted.

“You,” I insisted with my eyes widened.

Then we both heard a chuckle, it was mom. “Oh you two are so cute!”

I frowned. “Mom, go away we are trying to settle something serious here.”

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