Chapter One

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Chapter one of Him

"Look at me," he yelled pointing with his fingers to his eyes. 

"what does this ring mean?" he barked at me while pointing at my simple, silver band ring that placed on my ring finger. 

But there wasn't any use of telling him. I knew what he was going to do. And there was no way out of it. Rape.  

Blood from him punching me in the mouth beforehand, was gushing out. Let's retaliate.  

He probably saw me on the road. Darkness filled around me, I was underneath a black silk dress of sky with glitter all over it. Glitter representing the stars. Speed walking on the side of the street, I was covering my face with my fleece jacket Trying to contain the warmth onto my face. I also wore a purple beanie hat. Jeans, and black converses, I had an abnormal sense of style compared to most girls. I heard footsteps behind me, so I walked even faster. Paranoid that the person might be following me. I would pass street lights every now and then, lighting up a huge circle around me, and also showing my figure in the shadows. At least if you were behind me, and that was where the unknown person was. I was sure of it. Wheezing breath in and out, I tried to look through the darkness. Squinting my eyes, trying to figure out the shaped objects that laid in front of me. The footsteps were moving faster now. I didn't dare to look back. If I did, I'd probably find whoever they are five feet away and end up tripping backwards. And I did. I did looked back. Slightly slowing down, i couldn't see anybody all that well. Then he came into closer view. A man racing towards me. Frightened, I looks back to the front and started running. I wasn't a fast runner, and I never have been, but I would fight. I wasn't sure whether to run to a random house and beg for them to let me in, or go to my own house.  

Either wAy I was sure he'd catch me.  

Cold hands grabbed my shoulders, pulling me back. Crashing to the paved road, I could feel the blood lingering out. I started shouting. Yelling, but it just echoed out to nowhere.  

Croaking it out, 

"help," I let one last word out. 

He punched me in the mouth. Breaking a front tooth. I rolled onto my side in pain. In feetle position, tears ran out. Not that they could help any in this situation. And 

We start the story back over again.

"Look at me," he yelled pointing with his fingers to his eyes. 

"what does this ring mean?" he barked at me while pointing at my simple, silver band ring that placed on my ring finger. 

But there wasn't any use of telling him. I knew what he was going to do. And there was no way out of it. Rape. His prescience was giving it off. Men were horrible. And they would never change. They won't control themselves.

"why-" blood gushed out more, my jaws seemed broken. The shocks of pain stung my whole mouth. I would try once more.  

"Why does it matter? Don't you only want sex?" 

Why would he care about my ring at all? How did it caught his attention? Maybe he's like a blonde...ooh, nice shiny things! I chuckled at the thought.  

"it looks....expensive. But not expensive enough to be an engagement ring or a wedding ring. Plus you look to young." he snashed his words at me.  

Blood was now in my lungs. I could barely breath. I sucked the blood in, and spit it out to the side of me. Having to repeat the cycle, in order to breath. My legs felt like jello. There was pain, but not enough for me to care compared to the scarlet blood clogging up my lungs. I felt dizzy, and now my eyes were blinking slowly.  

"why. Do you. Do you care for the. For the representing?" I croaked out. Having to spit up blood in between the sentence. It felt choppy, and not like me. Me being a grammar fanatic.  

He placed his finger on my nose, pressing down. I tried to move my head, to get the pressing off. 

" Don't ever ask me questions. Answer me." 

His hands locked around one of my wrists. Squeezing and pressing my pressure point.  

"I. Can't. Have. Sex."  

At the last word, I took my other hand and dodged my fist at his face.  

It wasn't a hard swing. Not much of a swing at all. His face surprisingly smashed to the ground, though.  

Shuffling up to my knees, once I got there I lost balanced and leaned forward. My hands landed flat onto the paved road. Getting to my feet, blood was dripping down my chin. I lifted my hand, and wiped the blood. It was sticky, and silky. I looked down at my hand, turning it in different ways in the light. Glancing back at the guy, he was on his names slowly getting up. /I must not know my own strength/ thinking.  

This was where I could take off. Off running. I limped on one leg. There was a line of houses in front f me. I limped to a yard. Going through the grass, since it was quicker. My foot got in the way. Crashing to the ground, it wasn't as painful as the last time. It was soft grass, not a road. I got to my feet once more. I didn't try to run this time. I limped slowly. Looking back, he was racing towards me. Panicking, I tried to run again.  

The porch was in view. Finally. Limping up the steps, I started shouting. And I smashed to the ground and banged on the door. Creaking open, a small face appeared with bright blue eyes.  

"please," i whimpered.  

Tearing up, now I have blood AND tears on my face now..not a good combination.

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