Because I'm Stupid

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  • Dedicated to All my beautiful Black Veil and Blood on the dance floor fans<3

You are invited to Bailey Matthews and Jay Vonroe Wedding on June 2nd.


I crumpled the invitation in my hand before disposing it in the trash can. Jinxx approaches me but I stopped him before he could make it to me. I didn’t know how to react. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to cry or laugh from the pity we both felt for one another.

She was getting married a day after my wedding. She was actually serious about being with Jay. Bailey had finally lost her damn mind. She finally went as low as she could.

“You cant blame her. You taunted her first.” Jinxx said to me.

“I taunted her? I invited her to my wedding. I would think she would be happy for me don’t you think?” I asked him.

Jinxx rolled his eyes at me. “She was engaged way before you and even if she wasn’t why would you care. You’re getting married,” He told me, casually.

That wasn’t the point, the point was Bailey was doing a big mistake. Soon she would come to her senses and she would see that I was the one she loved. She would finally see that everything we went through was worth it.

“Be happy for her. She deserves it Andy,” Ashley spoke out.

“Who side are you guys on? How could you let her get engaged to that guy?” I snarled.

Ashley scoffed. “No, its more how could we let her fall for you Andy. For the first time in a two years that girl smiles. She doesn’t get mad, sad, or whines.” Ashley said.

“Want to know why? Because Jay treats her as the princess she is. Bailey is starting her life without you in it as you are starting your life without her,” He finished.

It didn’t mattered if she was starting her life over again. She could’ve at least had the nerves to leave the invitation in person. Instead she gives it to Jinxx. Why did she even give me one? Why did she even cared if I knew.

I grabbed the bottle of monster and chugged it down. She still aggravated me. Even when Bailey wasn’t by my side she was able to boil my blood.

“It hurts you huh?” Jinxx said.

“Like hell.” I mumbled.

He comes up to me and put his arm around me. “Bailey is stubborn Andy and she probably wants you to be happy for her”

I looked at him and then at the ground. “How can I be happy for her when I’m still in love with her?”




“You really had to light the match to the fire!” Kayleen scolded me as we checked out the hall for my wedding.

I could careless what she thought. Andy gradually invited me to his wedding so I would do the same. He clearly had the nerves to break me more than I could handle then I would do the same.

He still wanted to play this stupid game. Did it mattered that even though I knew how this would end I wanted to play. I wanted to see how Andy would burn in pain as I kissed Jay, I wanted to see him cry every tear I cried when I found out he was marring Juliet.

Kayleen grabbed onto my arm and pulled me into her. “Stop before you even get started Bailey. Stop torturing yourself this way.” She pleaded.

“Torturing how? Ever since I met Andrew all I ever felt was pain and bitterness. Why would now make a difference?” I questioned her.

Kayleen sighed. “Maybe because while you’re turning bitter your fiancé is growing farther apart from you?”

I stayed silent. Jay hardly stayed home now a days. He would come and leave without speaking a word to me. Sometimes he would go weeks without showing up. Where he was staying at I had no clue. I was loosing him and instead of doing something about it I let it happen. Because a part of me wanted him to drift apart. A part of me wanted him to leave me before our wedding day came.

I looked at Kayleen and nodded. She was right I couldn’t keep playing this game. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and called Jay.

“Hello?” He answered.

“Are you home?” I asked him, timidly.

“Yeah, why?” He answered.

“Can you stay there? I need to talk to you.” I responded.

He groaned as if he was stretching out. A small smile crept in. He must have been taking a nap. I couldn’t help but to remember all the times I used to call him and he would be asleep. He would always say that hearing my voice after a long nap was the most amazing thing ever.

“Yeah. I wasn’t going anywhere.” I could feel his warm smile creeping in through the phone.

I hanged up. I looked at my wedding planner and shook my head. This wasn’t the ballroom I wanted. To come think of it I didn’t even want to have it in a ballroom. The only reason why Jay and I were doing a “traditional” wedding was for our parents because if it was up to us, we would have gotten married in a small room.

“I don’t like it. Look for more and give me a call.” I told her quickly.


I swung the door open running into my house. Never in my life did I ever drive so fast then today. Ever since Kayleen told me to drop the game and see the truth. Jay has been the only thing that has been on my mind.

How could I been so stupid to let Andy feelings get in the way of my fiancé and I. I had act like a immature brat. I was being selfish and this time Jay wasn’t putting up with it. I would be dammed it I let Andy ruin the best thing I ever had.

Jay walks of the living room yawning. He stops and glances at me weirdly when he sees me standing in the middle of the hallway. I ran to him wrapping my arms around his torso.

He didn’t move for a second trying to figure out what was going on. I squinted my eyes shut waiting for him to hug me back.

“I’m sorry,” I blurted out.

“For what?” He asked me.

“Everything. I am sorry for pushing you away. I’m sorry for not being a good girlfriend.” I whispered.

Jay picked up my chin his brown eyes stared right at me. “ Who said you weren’t a good girlfriend?” He said, worriedly.

I shook my head at him. “I haven’t been a good girlfriend. Ever since I found out Andy was getting married I know I been acting so bitter with you.” I said, truthfully.

He sighs. He places his chin on top of my head and wraps his arms around me. “Bailey, I know it was hard on you when you found out he was getting married. But I love you B.” He said.

I laid my head on his chest. My eyes watered and slowly tear drops began to roll down my cheeks. I didn’t care if Andy was getting married or not. The guy right in front of me I loved him more than anything in this world.

He isn’t anything compared to Andy. And he doesn’t make me as angry as Andy does but he has managed to make me smile even when I don’t feel like it. That’s what counted, that what made Jay special.

“And the love I have for you will never change. Not even if Andy manages to get you after all of this I will keep loving you,” He reassured me.

I got on my tip-toes and kissed Jay on the lips. He pushes me close to him letting no space between us. I wrap my arm around his neck deepening the kiss.

He didn’t have to worry about Andy winning be back because he would never have me again.

You hear that Andrew Denise Beirsack?







Even if I have to see you get married I wont fall back in your arms…I promise.


So the wait is finally over!!:D I finally had a chance to write a little of the story. I know it doesnt have much saying into it but this is just a glimpse for yall to understand what is going to happen;D

Comment down below. Begin to takes TJ or TA.<---- Team Jay or Team Andy.

I will be updating as soon as i can. I will work on a book cover as sooon as i can and thats all love you<3

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