Lexi, the Girlfriend

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Lexi, the Girlfriend

“Sorry I’m late!” I automatically said in lieu of greeting. My three study partners were sitting at a table, in the library, chatting quietly amongst themselves.

            After a month in this university, I still had a hard time getting around. Blake kept making jokes about it, saying he should have a GPS chip implanted in me in order to save me if I ever got lost so I wouldn’t have to resort to self cannibalism. Apparently, he didn’t agree because he was the only one that had the right to eat me.


            “It’s okay, we haven’t even started yet,” Hannah informed me, gesturing to the still closed books stacked on the table.

            “Yeah, Kimberly here’s been gushing about a guy she met at a party last night,” Alyssa taunted.

            “Hey, be respectful,” Kim pouted, crossing her arms over her chest, “He’s not just a guy, he’s the future father of my children.”

            I laughed. “And does he know it?”

            Kimberly let herself slip down on her chair a little. “Not yet.”

            “Try like never,” Hannah snorted.

            “But we made out!” Kim answered, almost scandalized. That earned her a couple “shhhhh!”

            “You don’t even know his name!” Alyssa hissed.

            “Hey, shut up! You two don’t even know the names of your hot psych class guys and you still planned a double wedding with them.” Kim stated, pointing at them sternly.

            I chuckled again.

            “Ah, but you see, Aly and I see them every week, so we have more chance then you. And I swear me and mine made eye contact on more than one occasion.”

            I smiled at them, ready for some gossiping. Talking about hot guys was always a good way to bound with new girl friends. “Hot psych class guys, interesting. What time is your class?”

            “Eight thirty on Wednesdays, why?” Hannah frowned.

            I shrugged, taking my books out of my bag. “My boyfriend’s in that class. Maybe he knows them.”

            Hannah snorted. “Oh yeah, the elusive boyfriend.”

            I gasped, faking that I was offended. “He’s not elusive!”

            “He’s not real either,” Alyssa added, rolling her eyes.

            I laughed out loud and it was my turn to get mean looks from the people studying around. “What?”

            “Please. An artist, book worm, taking six classes during his first semester,” Hannah stated.

            “He’s not sure what he wants to do yet,” I defended both me and him. That was the main subject of most of our conversations lately. Blake had taken waaaay too many classes for a first year, luckily he had pretty much already read all the books in his French literature class, and all the poems in his Romantic poetry class, and wasn’t having difficulty keeping up in his History of Art class either., so it helped, but he still had three classes with subjects he wasn’t completely familiar with, and he still wasn’t sure what he wanted to major in. It would probably be easier for him to just major in everything he liked.

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