Lots of Luck

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I've always hated it, people blame me for everything, it was like I was the reason why this happened or that has happened or why they did something wrong. It was like I was the reason for their misfortune, the anger, and rage all thrown at me. I hated that. I hated it when anyone says "Just Bad Luck"

No one ever thought to blame themselves, it was THEIR stupid fault and I get the impact of it. It may be the reason why I get angry and instantly attack them or why black cats start taking an interest in them.

People think luck is balanced. Heck yeah it is. I get to choose their fate, whether it means they get a choice I think "Who cares?" It may explain why some nerdy girls get the hottest guys or geeky guys the hottest girls at times. No one can see me most of the time. I like to be the shadow who watches their life change, I like the thought that I made it happen to them.

I didn't need their thanks or gratitude, I loved the weak and underdogs, Hot girls? Hot guys? I've had my share of them as well. So I could understand everything about them. People would think I'm the luckiest guy in the planet. In truth, I wasn't, the more people that got a 'bad' day, I got a 'great' day.

It goes for the opposite as well.

Sometimes I hate myself and what happens to me when I do this. I can't control my natural human form either. I get changed to a four-leave clover at times or a black cat. Some people run in delight and pick me up, then I disappear and they get upset, never seeing the handsome dark haired man wishing them more luck in the background.

It is sometimes that I stay in the form a lot longer. I travel the world(My personal favourite is north India), playing my games when I'm bored and watching them grow for better or worse, but I never stayed long.

I couldn't control the weather, I can't control anything, but it was nice that people said "yes, It's sunny, what a lucky day!" I'd smile to myself and play along, but it was never my influence.

Love was something I had 100% no influence over. I couldn't make love happen between anyone or anything, It was the only thing I wanted to do. I could make lust but it never turns right. I could make the hottest boy lustful of you or wants you as his own possession.

He can never say the words "I love you," It would never happen. Some people surprisingly enjoyed it, enjoyed their words of "I want you," I always moved on, leaving them like that.

Yes, I am Mr Luck, and never would I have thought the first time I showed myself in 300 years, I would fall in love.


It was raining hard, and for once Luck allowed himself to be seen. He held a blue umbrella, and was walking around, watching people's luck change around him, it was then a brown haired girl rushed under his umbrella. She was soaking wet. Her hair stuck to her face. Her black shirt was soaked, she was in running shorts. Luck hadn't seen her before.

She smiled, "I hope you don't mind," She said.

Luck smiled, she radiated an aura of happiness and peace, "No problem, I'm Luck," Luck said. He waited for a minute, it was then people (if he had met any) would tease him and annoy the heck out of him because of his name.

"It's a unique name," She said, she had a slight British accent and it fascinated Luck. "I'm Kat by the way," Luck opened his mouth about to comment when she put her index finger on his lips, "If you ever call me 'cat' or tease me about my name, Luck, I swear you are going to go through my evil mean torture."

Luck closed his mouth then smirked "I'd take my chances," He said.

Kat groaned. In a quick attempt she switched topic "Where are we going?" She said. Luck realised that he wasn't paying attention to the road, her wild brown hair had captivated him, and he hadn't noticed where they were going.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2012 ⏰

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