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“I’m gonna die!” I squealed as I squeezed the gun handle.

“Do it!” Harry insisted.

“I’m scared.” I pouted my lips.

“Just do it!” Harry kept saying.

“Damn you Harry!” I yelled back. Everyone else in the circle just laughed at me.

The boys, Danielle, Eleanor and I were all currently sitting on the floor of the hotel in the city we were currently located at. We were in a circle playing Russian roulette and Things at the same time. How we managed to do that I will forever not know.

Taking a breath, I pulled the trigger of the gun.

The orange, foamy bullet hit the side of my head and I squinted as everyone laughed.

Stupid Nerf gun.

“Ahh.” I complained.

“You alright love?” Zayn asked me as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

“I always get hit.” I explained as I rested my head on his shoulder and I passed the toy gun toward Niall who was chewing two pieces of pizza… at once. 

“You guys are so cute!” Eleanor clapped.

“It’s not fair Zayn, I though it was going to be us three, the three musketeers, without girlfriends.” Harry meant Niall, Zayn and himself.

“Mate, you know it was bound to happen at some point.” Zayn said, planting a kiss on my forehead.

Harry nodded in agreement.

“Just reminding you that I have her tomorrow for lunch.” Niall said with his mouth full.

“Who would have guessed that Niall and Ellie were similar in personalities.. and food abilities.” Louis chuckled.

“They’re like twins it’s unbelievable.” Liam exclaimed.

I smiled and rolled my eyes at them, which apparently Niall did too.

“They did it again!” Harry pointed.

“I bet they can read each other’s mind.” Liam laughed.

“Oh, no, no, no, no.” I said. “I don’t want to know what goes inside his head.”

Zayn chuckled and plastered another kiss on my head. 

“Neither do any of us.” He said.

Niall ignored him and continued eating the pizza in his box. The boys made sure to get a large pizza for Niall and the same for me. 

I was also manhandling the pepperoni slice.

“How can you eat so much?” Danielle asked for what seemed like the thousand time. 

“I have the metabolism of a two teen boys put together.” I explained rubbing my flat belly. 

“Anyway, Liam pick the next card and Niall, shoot the gun already.“ Louis commanded.

“Things you shouldn’t open.” Liam read the card.

“Didn‘t get hit.” Niall said as he passed the gun to Harry.

I grabbed my piece of paper and wrote an answer. I threw it to Liam from across the circle and he caught it. Once everyone was done he read them out loud. 

“Nialls’ bedroom door without knocking, unless you want your eyes burned.”“My hair product‘s bag, without asking.”

“A jail cell with a criminal inside.”

Lost & Found // Z.M.Where stories live. Discover now