Chapter Seven

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I woke up, confused in a soft, purple bed; a bed so different from my usual bright blue one. For a second, I wondered where I was, until I remembered all of yesterday's events. Oh how I wish that hadn't happened! Today was the first training day. I wondered what the other tributes were like. I was shocked to realize that I hadn't even paid attention to watch the reaping of the other tributes. Oh well, I would meet them for the first time today. I saw a plain, navy blue shirt and pant set lying on my dresser, and a pair of boots below them. On the back of the shirt, there was a large, silver 3. These were probably the outfits we would wear for the training. I quickly changed into the clothes and walked outside. In the living room, everyone, aside from Guerrick was already waiting for me. A large breakfast was already set on the table. I quietly slipped into a seat. I wasn't in the mood to talk to everyone, though the mentors had a lot to say. Chloro told me to work on my weaknesses at the training and show my best on the private training. Phyllis advised me to remember to do survival sections like the camping skills and the edible plants section as well as the fighting sections. She also said that if I planned to win by being smart and sly, it would be better if I had no allies. Chloro argued and said that allies were a great thing to have in the games. Phyllis advised me that in 5 days, when the games started, I would run full speed, grab a few of the smaller bags at the mouth of the Cornucopia and run off to hide in the forests. A few minutes later, a groggy Guerrick sauntered in, yawning. Chloro and Phyllis started advising him as well.

Then they led us downstairs, to the Training Center. I looked around, hoping to see the other tributes. Almost immediately, I saw a group of tributes with ones and twos on their back, standing at the doorway. Of course, the Career tributes had already allied. I saw the boy from two; he was tall, strong, muscular, and older than most of us. He looked threatening and frightening. Beside him, stood the boy from one. He looked so familiar, but I couldn't place his face. Maybe I had seen him while I was visiting District One. Then, it struck me; he looked just like the president! Was it possible for the president to have a son and send him to another district? But it was the girls that shocked me worst. I knew both of them from my brief visits to the districts. Sapphire, the girl from one, was tiny, petite, with brown hair and silver eyes. I knew her from school. She was one of the nice girl types, but she always stuck me as hypocritical. She told on everyone who slightly misbehaved to the Peacekeepers. She was very full of herself, and though she was nice to everyone, I could feel her loathing of some. She befriended me at school, inviting me to eat with her friends. Though she acted nice to me, I felt as though she despised me. I wondered if she had volunteered, but then I realized that she would be too selfish to do so. The girl from two, Ray, was one of my real friends. She was tall, thin, tan, blond, and popular. Why she befriended me, I had no idea. She talked to many people, but she was only really friends with a few. If she was your friend, she could be the nicest person you knew. She was also great at all the training activities at school. She was amazing at handling weapons and fighting. She might have volunteered, but not because she liked killing people, but because she knew she had a better chance at survival than the chosen tribute. Ray turned around and caught me staring. "Oh Zeze!" she said, "I was mortified to hear that you were chosen. Don't worry, we'll be your allies. Right guys?" she beamed at the rest of the Careers. The boys shrugged, but it was Sapphire who spoke up, "Zeze, I've missed you so much!" she squealed, "But you are so smart and clever, hanging out with us in the games would just slow you down. If you are by yourself, you'll live and win!" I stared at her in shock. Of course, that was Sapphire's technique. She complimented people out of her way. It was obvious she didn't want me as an ally. So she pretended it was better for me if I was by myself. Ray stared at her incredulously but she just smiled. Sapphire whispered something to Ray and the two boys and Ray nodded. Then the boy from one, the one who looked like the president, said, "I like her. She can hang with us." Sapphire stared at him, "Do you want to get us all killed?" she demanded, "Zeze will be able to win on her own! She is so smart!" Did she really hate me so much? I didn't understand; I thought she was my friend. I looked at Sapphire straight in the eye, "It's alright guys," I said, "Sapphire is right. I would like to be your allies, but as long as Sapphire is in your group, there is no way any of us would have a chance to survive. She will totally slow us down." I threw my head up in a confident way, turned around, and strolled the other direction. I heard the boy from one and Ray laughing. Then I heard Sapphire screaming in her shrill voice, "How dare she? She will be the first one I will kill!" I looked at the other tributes, but I didn't know any of them. Many of them were hungry and weak. Some were vicious, and would immediately be recruited into the Career pack. I decided I didn't want any allies, except maybe Ray and the boy from one, but they were already with the Careers. I waited for the woman to announce that we could start training, before I started. Taking Phyllis's advice, I went to the edible plants station. It was so easy to recognize the plants, I had read books on them ages ago and I remembered everything. After I finished that part of training, I turned around and caught the boy from one staring at me. I decided that the survival was the easiest part, and that I should learn using the weapons. I walked over to the fencing section and picked up a sword. I saw that my opponent was the same boy from District One. Why was he following me everywhere? "Are you good at this stuff?" I asked him.

"Amazing," he responded cockily. He swung the sword at mine and I remembered what I had learned during my brief stay at Districts One and Two. I swung my sword in front of me, to block his and then ducked, causing him to fall forward. I laughed, "Amazing, huh?" I asked him.

"Well most kids aren't so tiny," he said. It was true. I was much shorter than my opponent, making winning a little easier for me. I could dodge him without much effort. "Yeah, yeah," I said, "So original. Make fun of the twelve year old tribute for being small." To my surprise, he didn't get mad, instead, he laughed with me. I couldn't help notice how similar looking he was to our current president, Coriolanus Snow. He could easily be his son, but then wouldn't he have to live in the Capitol? "Zeze Zirconium," I said, sticking out my hand for him to shake.

"Copernicus Snow. Everyone calls me Copper," he said.

"Snow?" I asked, "Would you by any chance be related to the president?" I wondered.

"No, weird coincidence," he said in a rushed, nervous voice. For some reason I didn't believe him, but I didn't want to make an enemy of him, so I let the matter slide. "Hey, cool way for you to handle that girl from my district," he laughed.

"She saw it coming," I smiled. Maybe Copper would want to be my ally.

"She is so strange," he said, "She acts so sweet, but it seems like she hates everybody. I know she hates me because I stood up for you. I heard her telling the pretty blond girl. I can't be allies with her."

"So leave them then," I said.

"I will. I'll just hang with you," he said. I laughed because I thought he was kidding. After all, what would make a better alliance, a pack of strong, vicious teens, or a small, twelve year old girl. But the expression on his face was dead serious.

"Wait. Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said, "You're cool. And a good fencer."

"Wow! Now I feel honored," I smiled, glad that someone actually wanted to be my ally.

"Of course you do. You are going to be friends with the amazing victor of the Forty Ninth Hunger Games!" he laughed.

"Oh?" I demanded, "How are you do sure you will win?"

"I just know. Trust me," he said.

"So you are going to kill me so you can win?" I asked, scared.

"I'm not going to need to," he said.

"What are to talking about?"

"You'll see," he grinned. I turned around and saw Sapphire looking at us. "Cop-Cop!" she called, "Stop talking to babies and come over here." He walked over to them and said, "Well if you don't want me to talk to babies, then why did you try to talk to me?"

"What?!" she screeched.

"Well I won't be talking to you any longer so it's okay. I'm allies with Zeze now. Bye Ray!" he called as he walked back to where I was standing. "Cop-Cop indeed," he said, laughing. Then I saw Sapphire yelling something at Ray, before lifting up a bow and arrow, aiming it at Copper's head, and releasing.

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