Chapter 6

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A/N: You guys are so wonderful! Thank you all so much. Please keep the feedback coming; every vote, comment, and fan warms my heart and just inspires me to work harder. I think this is the best chapter yet! I hope you all enjoy!

Filled with dread, I entered the classroom. I had hoped the class would forget the antics from the day before. To my favor, no one even looked at me differently. Most of them did not even look at me at all. I preferred the lack of attention.

I sat down in my seat, ignoring Jake. Looking up, I saw Jack give me one of his award-winning smiles. I tilted my head down, running my fingers through my hair, and smiled back at him. Still grinning, he looked away. I was practically squealing inside.

“Hey,” a familiar whisper shattered my happy moment. I slammed my hand back down on my desk.

“Don’t touch me. Don’t talk to me. Don’t even breathe in my direction,” I replied. I heard him laugh not too far away from me.

“Why not?” he whispered playfully, an evident smirk in his voice. I felt his breath on my neck. Gripping both sides of my desk, I tried to move the desk away from him, alongside myself. I rested my head in my hands and faced the teacher’s desk.

“Come on,” he nagged, “don’t be that way, babe.”

“James Marks. I presume, from what I heard yesterday, you will not repeat yesterday’s actions. Am I correct?” my teacher called him out. I heard a few snickers around me. I snuck a glance to Jake, who was snickering as well. He shifted his desk slightly closer to mine, then proceeded to smile at the teacher as if he was completely innocent.

“Yes, sir,” he answered. I looked back at the teacher to find him giving Jake a skeptical look we were both sharing. The teacher stood without another comment. I groaned as he decided to continue the lesson as if nothing had happened. I wish he had at least moved him.

The lesson was boring as usual. History never really interested me. I was on edge in fear of feeling a soft pat on my behind. Every time I heard a soft squeak behind me, I was afraid it would be Jake leaning over to smack my butt. Every time I felt something soft tingling in my neck, I worried it Jake leaning over, breathing down my neck, trying to whisper something provocative in my ear. I rubbed my neck with my hand. Every time I saw something move in the corner of my eye, I thought it was Jake moving closer to me.

Was I just starting to imagine things? It couldn’t have just been my mere imagination, could it? It terrified me, in the least. I didn’t want him to touch me, or even be anywhere near me. He was still a stranger to me. A cold sweat was beginning to form as I sat in anxiety, just waiting for him to make his move. Waiting for him to abuse me. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. 

I had to keep myself at ease, though. I couldn’t go insane over one guy. If anything, I could always report him for sexual harassment. But could I, the quiet girl who always takes whatever is given to her, just go up to the dean’s office door, set as a doornail, to taint his permanent record with sexual harassment? There was always the chance it was already tainted by some poor other girl he had harassed in the past. Yet, if there wasn’t, his record would be soiled.

Or was I just over-thinking all of it? A few rough pats on the butt were maybe nothing to worry about. It wasn’t like he was shoving his hands up my shirt or down my pants... But it could have been next. That could be his next move. With that, a cold sweat broke out again.

The bell rung, startling me out of my thoughts. I hurriedly grabbed my belongings, not bothering to put them in my bag. I rushed out of the room, tripping on a desk on the way out. Pressing the books against my chest, I sighed a breath of relief. I slowed down my pace. Of course, my tranquility was broken as I heard his voice.

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