#30 Sterek (Stiles/Derek)

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Authors Note:One little thing real quick.  The next few I'm going to post after this are going to be:
~Stisaac (Stiles/Isaac) 
~Sciles (Scott/Stiles)



"Stiles, where are you going?" I quizzed as I followed him up the stairs, but I couldn't seem to wipe the large grin off my face.

"You'll see" he stated in a teasing tone "just be patient."  I let out a small sigh, but couldn't help but watch his cute little butt as he walked up the stairs in front of me.

"Can you just tell me now before you end up getting us both killed" I teased back, reminding both of us about how Stiles is always finding ways to get himself injured.

"And what makes you so sure that I'll get us both teased" he pouted as he reached the top of the stairs and turned to face me, making me stop a few steps from the top "I've been careful ever since I got carried away during charades."

I felt a small smile widen on my face at the memory.  We had the whole pack over to celebrate our victory, a tradition that Stiles was starting, and we were playing charades.  Let's just say that Stiles got a little carried away when he got the card YMCA.  He was doing the little dance and he went to form the A when he punched a ceiling fan and bruised his hand pretty bad.  And here I was thinking that charades was a safe game, I guess Stiles can make an exception for pretty much anything.

"Yeah, how you managed to punch the fan is beyond me" I smirked and he just stuck his tongue out at me before whipping around and continuing on his path to where ever it was going.

"Just come on ya big jerk face" he chanted, but could tell from the tone of his voice that he was trying not to laugh at the memory himself.  Eventually he led the both of us down the hall and into my bedroom and he was now currently pawing at the window trying to undo the rusty old latches.  I let out an amused breath before I hurried over and flipped the window open like it wasn't a big deal.

"Okay show off" Stiles grinned cheekily as he began climbing through the window and my eyes widened as my arms instinctively snaked around his waist and pulled him back inside.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I growled, suddenly very serious.  I didn't want to see Stiles get hurt again like he usually does.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Stiles grumbled defiantly as he half-heartedly tried pulling out of my grip, but I could tell he still liked the embrace as much as he wanted to get through the window.

"Well to me it looks like you're about to make the final jump, but I know you well enough to know that that isn't the case" I sighed.

"I'm going to the roof" Stiles shrugged and tried to pull away again, but I kept my hold.

"Are you really sure you want to do that?" I groaned "with your luck you'd probably fall or something."

"Oh don't worry, I'll be careful" he insisted "and besides, even if I do fall, I know you'll be there to catch me."  I rolled my eyes at his attempts to persuade me.

"Okay" I sighed as I finally let go "but if you get hurt, it isn't on me."  I knew that was bullshit the minute it came out of my mouth.  Stiles wasn't going to get hurt, because I wasn't going to let that happen.  As soon as he was out of my grip, Stiles was clambering out the window and my heart was beating extra fast in fear for his well being, but I was relieved when he made it up alright.

"Wow, this is incredible" Stiles gasped from up top as I began making my way out the window.  I had gotten most of my body out and was just about to pull myself up, when my let suddenly got stuck.  I peered back into the window, to find my jeans caught on a screw that was poking out from my desk.

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