Chapter 24

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  • Dedicated to Red Moon Warriors :)





Chapter 24




Jacobs POV


We were coming closer to Forks. I started to recognize my surroundings. I knew we would be in the clearing where we had the battle against the newborns years ago in about five minutes. I felt Renesmee squeeze my hand she also knew we were close. I gave her a smirk to tell her everything would be ok. I started thinking knowing Edward could hear my thoughts.

Edward we are close. I have Renesmee I need Paul and Seth to grab her as soon as they see a chance. The five vampires are with me. They are surrounding Ness and I. The Teleporter Is in the front of us, The mind controller is on our left, the one who can summon electricity is on our right, the one with Telekinesis and the one who can become Invisible are behind us. Be ready were almost there.

“Ness?” She looked at me.

"Everything is going to be ok.”

“I love you Jake.

"I love you too Renesmee.”

As we entered the clearing, we saw all the Cullen’s. Carlisle, Edward, Emmett and Jasper were in front. Alice, Rosalie Esme and Bella were standing behind them. I knew Bella had her shield up. At least the mind controller wont be able to hurt them seeing as Bella’s shield protects them against mental attacks. I knew the pack was here and hiding until the right moment.

“Renesmee!” Bella cried.

“Momma… I’m ok… I love you.”

“We all love you too sweetie.” Edward replied.

Edward I am going to run my mouth just ignore my comments and come back at me I need them to believe this is real.

Edward gave a slight nod. “I am sorry I have to be doing this but I can not and will not let them harm my wife…. Actually on second thought I am kind of happy about this now I won’t have you interfering in Renesmee’s life anymore we can do what we want when we want.” I said.

I’m sorry. I thought.

“You’re going down mutt.” Edward replied. I was holding back my laughter so the vampires could not see it. It felt like a big game.

“OK enough with the chit chat.” Damien said.


Edwards POV


“OK enough with the chit chat.” I’m guessing the Mind controller said.

I’m going to kill you and have fun doing it. The girl who stood in front of Jacob and Renesmee thought. She was the Teleporter. I looked at all the vampires and understood who was who. My family and I sorted out who would go after whom. I looked at them and said.

“Emmett, Rosalie back right.” They would go after the one with Telekinesis. They nodded in understanding.

“Alice, Jasper front.” They are going after the Teleporter. Another nod.

“Carlisle, Esme right.” They are going after the mind controller. Again a nod in understanding.

“Bella with Carlisle and Esme.” Bella would protect Carlisle and Esme from the mind controller. I was going to take out the person in the back left who was the one who can turn invisible. With my mind reading abilities, I would be able to find him no matter where he went.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2014 ⏰

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