Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to My lotus flower <3

Dear... No, wait! 

Starting this thing off with Dear, isn't going to cut it. Dear is just way too common and simple, I need something more creative...something Oh wait! I know, what about lotus flower? Okay I know that's a little bit girly since this letter's for you; a guy, but I used to call you lotus flower so why not?...right?

Okay, let's start over.

Lotus Flower,

You're probably wondering why I'm even writing this letter in the first place. That or you think I'm crazy. Any who, this letter is more for me, rather than for you. I needed to finally sit down and write this out, and I thought this would be the perfect way to do that. Even though I'll probably never show this to you. 

Well, I guess I should probably start from the beginning. Remember the first time I met you? That day feels like it was just yesterday. I was on the computer, bored out of my mind (as usual), so I decided to go on Facebook (I know I'm addicted, but you used to be, too!). I was minding my own business, browsing through my news feed, when I saw your profile. All of my friends seemed to be adding you, so I decided to check out your profile. I'm not a stalker - promise! 

What shocked me the most was your profile picture. I wasn't really paying attention to it since it is just a small square box next to someone's name. Once I noticed it, though, let's just say I was a little bit blown away.

Your blonde golden locks, those amazing deep brown eyes, and that smile, oh my god, angelic-smile!

After staring at your picture for about twenty minutes straight (sadly, I'm not kidding), I made up my mind that I wanted-more like needed-to be your friend. So I clicked on the 'Add Friend' button and waited for you to accept my request. 

In one minute (yes, I counted) you accepted. I was so excited! You had no idea how happy you made me. I was overjoyed and in my own little world. I barely noticed I had a new message in my inbox. Imagine my surprise when I saw it was you! 

I opened it and began to read:

" I know you?"

Those five simple words just made my smile turn 180 degrees. It probably meant nothing to you, but everything to me. Nervously, my fingers moved slowly across the keyboard. At first I wanted to write, "No, but I would like to ;)" Then I thought that was a little bit too flirty. So instead I went with the typical, nonchalant answer: 

"No, but I saw that a lot of my friends added you, and I wanted to get to know you better, so I requested you. PS: Thanks for accepting!"

This time, it took longer for you to reply, only doubling my anxiety. I really thought I had scared you away or something. 

"Oh...and you're welcome^^"

After reading your message, I let out a huge breath of air I didn't realize I was holding. I took a deep breath before responding.

"Yay :) Name's Violet, I'm sixteen years old, what about you?" 

"Noah, fifteen years old^^ Looks like you're older than me -_-"

At first I thought, you're younger than me? How is that even possible? You looked so much older, I would have guessed you were at least sixteen or seventeen. 

"Really? Oh well, you're only younger by one year :D"

" do you go to BlueHigh?"

"No I go to Tri-State...where's that?"

Don't laugh. It's not my fault I'm not good with navigational stuff, and you of all people should know that. 

"Tri-State? Looks like our schools are rivals^^ Also BlueHigh is like an hour away from your school :)"

"Awesome! Maybe we'll see each other sometime? Do you play any sports?"

"Yeah maybe, and I do :) I love soccer and swimming the most^^"

"Really? Swimming, you must have a swimmers body right?"

"Yes, why you wanna see it? ;)" 

I think my face turned tomato red when you said that. I knew you were only joking, but come on! That would make any girl blush. You were too adorable!

I didn't know what to say to that, so I typed the first thing that came to mind. Of course, now that I think back on it, it was completely stupid. 


See...I told you.

"I'm just playing with you ;) Lighten up Violet!"

Oh my god! When you said (or wrote, whatever) my name, I literally had a spaz attack! You should have been there. 

"I know that, I just didn't know what to say!"

"How about yes? ;)"

"Wow, you're a total flirt, aren't you?"

Why did I ever say that?

"Not really, I only do it to the girls I think are cute ;)"

I almost had a heart attack when you said I was cute! I actually froze, just staring at your message. I must have read it at least a hundred times before you messaged me again, jolting me out of my frozen state.

"Hey are you still there? Please don't tell me I scared you away? I don't want to sound creepy or anything, but you are cute^^"

I can't believe you called me cute again. 

"I'm still here, sorry I was in my own little world, hehe^^"

"Good, I thought I had scared you away or something, I don't want that to happen! You sound really nice :D Also I have to go, it's a school night, and I have to get up early for practice, so talk to you later Violet <3"

I had to force myself to start breathing again after I saw you put the heart next to my name. I knew you didn't mean anything by it, but it still made me really happy. 

"Aw...okay then :D Night, Noah :D Talk to you later!"


I didn't know it then, but that one night changed the rest of my life - forever. 



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