He's Wild and She's Wilder

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Kyle put his car in reverse and pushed hard the accelerator, propelling the car backwards suddenly until it stopped with a screech. He looked at the rearview mirror to see her reaction but she didn't even flinch. He glowered and put the car into 'drive' and sped out of the parking lot only to get stuck into traffic.

He tapped his finger, irritated at the long line of cars. He's been in the same spot for a good 20 minutes and he probably fucked up his chance to get into the club. Sick of the EDM that he was blasting in hopes of annoying Emily, he finally changed the radio station. Emily let out a sigh and he turned his head angrily. "What?" He snapped.

She let out another dramatic sigh as she gently petted Bacon. "Seems like you think you're still in your safe, picket fenced suburbs, but this is New York." She emphasized the last bit and looked straight at him. "Traffic isn't the same. And it's probably gonna take half an hour to get out of this traffic."

He punched the steering wheel. What the hell? It wasn't as if there was a parade or anything, what caused the cars to be so lined up?

"Half an hour?" He repeated disbelievingly. "we're so freaking close, and it'll take half an hour!"

She gave a shrug and leaned back into the soft leather chair. It had been a while since she rode a car as comfortable as this. She looked outside to see a child in the car next to her. He was busily playing with his DS and didn't pay attention to her absentminded staring. A small smile formed on her lips and she was drawn back to the past.

"AHHHHHHHHH," He crowed loudly into the air. He stood in the middle of the car, his arms lifted into the air. There was no trace of fear in his eyes even though their car was going at 70 MPH. The wind swept his dark brown hair. His green eyes, the same shade as hers, glowed. "WE MADE IT. WE F&@%ING MADE IT." 

She laughed. Music blasted from the stereo. The lights in the cars around her flashed as she zoomed past them. At 15, she handled the Ferrari as though she's been driving sports cars her whole life.  "Sit the hell down, Kenneth. You're going to get yourself killed."

She tugged at the hem of his pants. He sat back down. He grinned at her.

"Nothing's going to stop us. We're finally made, Emily. Or should I say, Ice."

Emily snorted but couldn't help but smile. She tousled his hair. "That's right, we f@%king made it."

Letting out a small sigh, she turned her attention back to the front. Glimpses of the city skyline peeked behind the concave dips and turns of the highway and the concrete walls. The lights bouncing off the building walls was an enticing glimmer of what pleasure awaited those who were entering into New York City. Emily couldn't believe that it has been nearly 3 years since she first drove down this very highway with her brother in tow. She felt her heart grow at the memory. 

"Do you have any siblings?" She asked wistfully. 

Her question startled Kyle and he wondered what got her interested all of a sudden.

"No," he replied curtly, deciding that he might as well make conversation with the only person within vicinity until traffic cleared.

She continued to vacantly stare out the window, and he scowled irritably. What was the point of starting a conversation if she's going to shut up a second later?

There was an uncomfortable silence between the two that Emily seemed completely unaware of since her mind seemed to be anywhere else but here. Annoyed at the air of tension, he broke the silence when he asked if she had any.

"Yeah. I have a twin brother," she smiled sadly, hitting another nerve in Kyle's body.

He frowned. "Okay. If you're going to stay in my car, you're going to need to stop that."

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