Dear Razor,

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Dear Razor,

I've always wondered why people used you to slash their wrists.

I've always wondered what was wrong with them.

I never understood why they would use you to cause self inflicting harm rather than just shaving their arms.

Was it because they wanted attention?

Was it because they were just being stupid?


Now I know why.

Razor, do you remeber last night?

When I peeked into the bathroom and stared at you for hours?

I procastinated for what seemed years

when I tried to decide on whether or not to use you, against my wrists

to stop all of my tears.

But then I sat down and I began to remember all of the hardships in my life.

"You'll never be beautiful"

"You'll never be a size zero"

"You have a big nose"

"Why do you try so hard?"

"I never loved you."

My heart ached feeling all of this pain.

What was there to do?

Where was I to go?

But then I finaly decided to grab you.

To use you.

At first when you cut skin it hurt

but then I realized it was better to feel pain physically

rather than emotionally.

It felt wierd having you here

I never thought I would get to this point

to get this low

But yet here I am

Now I understand

Why you have so many friends

It's because you take the pain away

in bloodshed

But Razor,

to tell the truth

I wish I never met you,

because your nothing but a bad habit

that I can't get rid of.

I wish I never used you

because my wrists are slashed.

I wish I never never touched you

Because now I'll never know

If I'll be safe again.

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