Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen (Kyler's POV)

"No!" Remi barked and slammed right into Nythara, knocking him off his feet, but Luc and Seven caught him, helping him balance again.

"Bastard!" Nythara snarled at him. Remi didn't even flinch as he stood between me and the rest of Amethyst. Zaid and Scythe had also taken up position on either side of Remi, preparing themselves to defend me.

"You filthy whore!" Nythara shrieked at me. I didn't flinch this time. Instead, I hissed at him.

"You're one to talk," I snarled, watching Nythara's eyes blaze with hatred and horror, "What does that make your nephews for attacking me, huh?!" Zaid and Scythe froze, snapping their heads to look at me.

Remi went stiff, looking right at Nythara, who was glaring at us. Luc growled low in his throat, fists clenched and ready to throw some punches. Seven's muscles were taut, his stance ready for battle meanwhile Sylvian had backed away from them.

"You didn't." Remi managed. I winced. The pain in his voice struck me hard in the chest and I wondered if what I had done was a mistake. Nythara narrowed his eyes, teeth bared.

"So what? He seemed to rather enjoy it judging from those shrieks I could hear all the way from my post." He sneered. Remi's face drained of all color and he looked like he was going to die right there on the spot. I grimaced and took a step forward, but Nythara's eyes snapped to me.

"Touch him, whore, and you'll receive far worse punishment." He threatened. I glared at him.

"You won't touch me." I said coldly.

"That's what you said last night," Luc mocked, making me flinch as he stepped in front of Nythara, "You say a lot of things you don't mean, like ripping us to pieces. If anything, we were the ones ripping you to pieces. Why Remi would ever be interested in a rotten, dirty slut is beyond me, but maybe he's a sucker for the ones that scream."

I felt like an ice cube was sliding down my back as he went on, his voice practically echoing in the now silent room.

"You writhe and you pretend like you hate it, but you've been trained, haven't you? That's why how you knew to be seductive, you devil. You were so tight for a whore, but then again, that must have been a perk, right?"

I held my breath, now taking a step back.

"What happened to your bravado," Luc teased wickedly, "Just a second ago you were all tough, but in the end, you're nothing, but a tool. A toy. A pet. Now be a good pet and stand down or I'll gladly fuck you into a-"

Remi moved so fast, I hardly saw him. Just a flash of movement before he punched Luc hard in the face. Luc howled, clasping his hands over his chest, stumbling back before looking up to punch him back, but Remi ducked and swung his fist up into Luc's solar plexus. Luc gasped, doubling over and hitting the floor in a crumple.

"How dare you," Remi seethed, his voice shaking, "How dare you touch what is mine. How dare you speak to him like that, even look at him like that! You don't deserve to even glance at him nor speak his name! Kyler is worth far more than you'll ever wish to be! I'll make you regret you ever even laid eyes on him!" He went to kick Luc in the face, but Nythara was moving toward him in a way that meant harm.

I moved quickly, shoving past Zaid and Scythe, who broke apart to hold Seven and Sylvian back.

I grabbed Nythara and slammed him into the floor, pinning him down just barely. He snarled and flung his hand across my face. Pain exploded in my head, but I fought against it and grabbed his throat.

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