"Hey I don't wanna be like the Jersey Shore." Kane warned as he picked at his nails.

"You won't this is different." Dianna responded seriously. She then passed out some packets of papers and I groaned; I hated this process. "These are your contracts, read them and if there are any concerns talk to me."

I flipped the page that was soaked with dull, dry words. I felt like just signing it and getting over with it; but that would be stupid and lately I'm trying to improve my common sense.

"Question." Jace said,"If I happen to I don't know, maybe, possibly punch someone on this show, will I get arrested?" He asked suspiciously, but honestly I wanted to know the answer as well.

" Who are you planning to punch?" Rick demanded and I snickered at Jace's innocent face.

"Well what if they walk into my fist? Does that count?" Jace questioned and Ricks face twisted with impatience.

"How the hell will someone walk into your fist? They would have to be morons." Kane retorted and looked at Jace as if he was the gum under his shoe.

"Hey there are plenty of those." I defended and looked directly at Kane.

Dianna sighed," Ill give you a few days to read the contract over; my email is attached if any more questions come up."She declared seemingly fed up with us.

"Then we'll be back." Rick said goodbye and left with Dianna.

"She didn't answer my question." Jace complained.

"I wouldn't either." Akira expressed as he looked at Jace in amusement.

My cell suddenly beeped and I sighed in annoyance recognizing the number; it was that random, unkwom person texting me again.

'Goodmorning.' It said.

'Screw off creep.' I texted back, sick of the texters habit of talking to me like we were best buds.

'Harsh Serenity.'It responded; I might have a serious stalker and I'll need to change my number. This is so problematic.

"Another text?" Jace asked beside me and I nodded curtly." You know it may be a fan or one of the people from the other bands wanting to stress you out." He explained and it made sense. A few months ago i wasnt famous so i wasnt extremely strict about giving out my number so lots of people in my school had my number. Also the members of Tainted Hate really like screwing with us.


After two tedious hours I read the entire contract through and there wasn't anything wrong with; hell they even permitted some violence on the show. All to make it get viewers huh?

We signed them and returned them to Diana who came back the next day with Rick.

"Great, I'm excited to work with you all." She smiled brightly as she put all our contacts in file folders.

"So recently I thought of another ques-"Jace began but Dianna instantly cut h off.

"Okay then I'll be off!" She exclaimed and practically flew out of the beach house.

"I was just gonna ask if they film everything. Jeez." Jace scoffed and I rolled my eyes.

"Well pretty much, they're not gonna film you taking a shit if that's what you were worried about." I replied dryly .

"Good that would ruin my image." Jace sighed in relief and I laughed; he ruined it a long time ago.

"Please, my image is better." Kane bragged and I gagged in exaggeration to which he replied with a dirty look.

Being a Rockstar Sucks: Battle of the BandsWhere stories live. Discover now