Meet Lizzie Carter

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  • Dedicated to My section <3

2 weeks before summer vacation ends…

“Miss Lizzie, I’m begging you to get up now. Your father will kill me.” I heard a woman’s pleading voice.

But I decided to ignore it because I was still in dreamland. For the past few weeks, I’ve been obsessed with the Harry Potter series; I even got all the collectibles. And I was so obsessed with it that every night, I dreamt of different situations from the book and I was included on it. Sometimes I’d be Hermione or Ginny in my dream. If my maids wake me up before my dream ends, I always throw a fit.

“Miss Lizzie, please. It’s your father’s wedding today. You can’t miss that.” The woman spoke again.

That’s when her words sunk in. My eyes fluttered open as soon as I heard her words. I jumped from my bed and ran to my bathroom.

I quickly took off my nightgown and jumped to the bath tub. Good thing Mia already prepared my bath. I love taking a bath with lots of bubbles. But at night, I prefer my bath with rose petals and scented candles around me.

Mia entered my bathroom, holding my bath robe.

“What time is it?” I asked her.

“You still got an hour and a half, Miss Lizzie.”

“Is my dress ready?”

“Yes, Miss Lizzie.”

“Okay. Thank you, Mia.” I smiled at her as I continued playing with my bubbles.

Mia is my personal maid. She has been with me since I was 13. She’s 21 now, I think. We’ve been really close to each other. I consider her my best friend. She’s always there for me when I need her and she’s very nice too. Sadly, she came from a poor family that’s why she ended up being my maid. She didn’t continue with her studies but she once told me that she’s supporting her family and half of her money goes to her brother who’s studying in a public high school.

“Mia, I don’t get it. I love Sue and all but why can’t she just choose a church in New York instead of choosing a church from this small town?” I asked her curiously.

Sue is my soon-to-be step-mom. Just so we’re clear, Sue is not your cliché wicked step-mother. She’s in her late thirties and has been with Dad for 5 years. She’s also poor, just like Mia. But she’s very kind to me and acts like a mother. She’s also pretty. My real Mom died while giving birth to me. When I was 11, my Dad introduced Sue to me. She was working in one of our malls. Dad said it was love at first sight. They were pretty inseparable after they met.

That day was my Dad’s wedding day with Sue. I don’t even know why they waited for 5 years before getting married. Anyway, Sue chose to get married in a small town’s church. So yeah, I was in a small town instead of living my posh life in New York.

“You know Sue, Miss Lizzie. She’s a sentimental person. This is Sue’s hometown and she wants to get married in the church where her parents got married.” She smiled happily.

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