Chapter 13

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I walk along the sidewalk in front of my house, kicking at a rock that has been in front of me the whole time.

When I got to my house after walking, the long way from Taylor's house, I decided that I needed to calm down before I went in. I didn't want my mom to see how mad I was, I also wanted my head ache to go away before I went in. 

I wanted the cold to help and make it go away but it wasnt working, I still wanted to curl up in a ball and scream.

The cold wind was whipping my hair around, turning it into a mess but I didn't care.

          "Bree!" My mom shouted from the porch, her bath robe wrapped tightly around her shoulders.

          "What?" I shout back, shoving my hands in my pockets.

          "I made dinner. Please come in." She says, looking up at the dark sky, squinting at it.

I shake my head, annoyed at my mom for not being able to tell that I need to be alone.

I pull my sweat shirt tighter around myself, walking up the driveway and into the house, instantly being surrounded by the heat pumping out of all of the vents.

She had the table set, two plates filled with spaghetti and garlic bread.

 Before sitting down, I walk over to our cabinet that held our medicine, I dig around until I find a bottle of extra strong pain reliever.

          "Not so much." My mom says as I drop four pills into my hand. She reaches over, taking two pills, putting them back in the bottle and putting the bottle away. 

I wrap my hand around the pills, walking over to the side of the table that I normally sit at, I lower myself into the chair.

I pick up the large cup of water, taking a large gulp of water, before pushing one of the pills between my lips and taking another drink.

I do the same with the other pill before turning to my plate and slowly eating my dinner.

          "Did you have fun at Taylor's?" My mom asks, trying to make conversation as we eat.

          "Not really." I mumble, using my garlic bread to soak up the extra sauce.

          "What's wrong?" She asks, knowing that I normally have a blast at Taylor's.

          "They were being rude, but it doesn't matter." I give her a smile, hopping she'll drop it.

She smiles back, staying queit for a moment before going into a long conversation about her day at work and the silly things customers did.

I listen closely, laughing when I need to.

After dinner and a quick shower, I go to my room, throwing my self down on my bed with a sigh. It had been along day and my head was still throbbing.


this is just a filler.

I'll update again soon.  

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