Chapter 1 Two Baby Lives One Adult Life!

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Hola people! :D

Today we are going to talk about something that has been on my mind lately. Well, duh, it's been on my mind 'cuz I'm writing it. If it wasn't on my mind then i wouldn't have had this thought and therefore I would not be writing this right now and it would not have been on my mind. (yes I get very side tracked but don't we all!) Anyways:

Okay, I just realized something kinda interesting. When you are a baby you need your parents to feed you, clean you, house you, and practically do EVERYTHING for you, and they, if they are good parents, remember that it is a blessing to have a child and do it without complaint. Then you grow up and don't need them anymore (well I will always need my parents). Then you get old and sick and icky and stuff and you need someone to look after you, clothe you, feed you, bathe you, and do practically EVERYTHING for you, right? Another thing, when you are a baby you don't really remember anything because you kinda don't know what's going on (at least that is what I think because I don't remember anything from my babyhood, ha ha, except when I was three because I broke my arm and I remember that). Then once you are really old you might possibly get dementia and not be able to remember anything (just like when you were a baby!). So, you get one adult life and two baby lives! Well, you know how I said that your parents, if they are good, will care for you without complaint? Well, then what changes? It seems to me, that when people grow old and sickly that people get annoyed and feel like they should be able to take care of themselves! We have to remember that when they are old they are similar to little babies. If we treat our elderly that way then why don't we just birth babies and tell them to go get a job to feed, house, and care for themselves!?!? Well, this concludes my whatcher mer caller (pronounced: wa ch mer call er)


Fell free to give your opinion about everything above! Oh, and you can advertise your stories here if you want. I really don't care. Just to let you know, every time I get a comment, read, vote, fan, or anything else I am happy for the rest of the day! Soooo if you like making people smile then you know what to do! :DDDDD

P.S. I'm not begging or anything but I am bribing you hehehehehhee maniacal laugh!!!!!!

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