The end :)

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Jill's P.O.V

It feel like the first time I left New York;


I hate saying bye to everybody, and I'm trying my best not to cry again.

"Come on Hun it's time to leave" Julia says walking downstairs. I glance around my room. To many memories, all crammed up in such a small space.

I know I'm coming back, but the thing is when? My careers back in California. But part of my life is here.

People pretend they know what I'm going through, but in all honesty they don't. They will never know what it feels like to be kidnapped, heartbroken, and not just one but twice. To leave your family more than once.

"Alright I'm coming" I say signing.

All my stuff was in packed early this fine Christmas morning.

It's snowing every so lightly as I glance out my bedroom window.

I make my way downstairs, smelling my moms famous roast beef in the oven. I've always loved her cooking, it's better than Julia's.

"Can't you stay one more night." My mom says wiping her hands on her apron.

"I wish I could, but I really need to get back, but I promise ill be back sooner than you think."

"Just don't bring back any grandchildren" she says.

"No promises" I joke.

I walk out side to see a little group of neighbors and friends saying goodbye.

I hug everyone and exchange a few words.

It comes to Anne an I feel like I hug her the most.

"Your an amazing women Jill, and I know my son took to long to realize that, but I need you to have this before you leave" she places something that feels like paper in my hand.

I look down to see a folded piece of paper. I open it and my stomach clenches. It's the letter I wrote to Harry four years ago.

"He isn't here because he's confused, he thinks he loves someone he doesn't"


Harry's P.O.V

"Come on Harry were ganna be late" Belle says.

We are pulling into a some wine store, were meeting up with her parents for Christmas. And there big on wine, wine that only sells at this store.

I hop out if the car, shoving my hand in my pockets it's been a habit since forever.

I look down at the ground. I feel like such a pussy. Jill's leaving, and yet again, I don't have the guts to say goodbye.

But this is my life now, I'm going to marry Belle, and Jill's going to marry the man of her dreams. Whoever it turns out to be. She deserves that.

"We're just going to get in and get out" Belle says.

We walk in and instantly I see random bottles everywhere. Belle heads towards a rack, so I shuffle around looking at a few things here and there.

"You must be new here?" I look up to see a blonde girl with a name tag of Lexi.

"Uhm haha yes" I say nervously, I look her over, and I swear to god I've seen her before.

"Have we meet?" I say questionably.

"Uhm" she looks me over, and her face lights up.

"Ah yes I remember you! We go way back to like high school" she says. I don't remember her in any of my classes.

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