Stand Up - Part 18

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Emma’s POV:

I sat down in the couch as Harry took a seat next to me “You alright ?” he asked, I shook my head. My eyes were hurting, my head was hurting. “That was a stupid question, cause honestly you look terrible” he said “Probably, I didn’t came out of my bed for 3 days” I said, his jaw dropped “What ? You didn’t ate neither ?” I shook my head. “Alright you’re gonna take a shower and I’ma cook something” he said “No ! I don’t need someone to tell me what I have to do !” I shouted, continued by a sighed “No.. I don’t need any help. I’m fine” I continued “Emma please, you’re not” – “I am. Now leave me alone please” I replied, Harry looked disappointed, got up and left as he smashed the door. I laid down in the couch.

Harry’s POV:

I was really shocked by Emma her behavior. She’s not doing fine at all. She lost a lot of weight, she doesn’t look healthy anymore. I need to talk to Liam. “Liam !” I shouted as I closed the door and went inside “He’s upstairs. Having a shower” Louis replied “I need to talk to him” I said “Why ?” he asked “Emma’s looking terrible. She hasn’t ate in 3 days ! She keeps saying she’s fine, but she’s not” I said “And what are you gonna do about it ?” – “I’ma talk to Liam, they need to sort this out” I said. Louis was so mean, he doesn’t have the right to be such a jerk to her. He chuckled “It’s her own fault. She has to deal with it, she started this mess. She deserves everything she gets” Louis said with a grin on his face, which really pissed me off. “You can be such a jerk !” I shouted as I left and went for a walk. I went to Niall’s hotel. He just walked into the lobby “Hey mate, can we talk ?” I asked, he smiled weakly “Errm, yeah sure. Follow me” he said as we went to his hotel room and both took a seat “I’ll be direct to the point. You need to solve this and fast before everything gets even worse” I said, Niall sighed “I know. I already texted Gina plenty times, but she never answers. I also went to Emma’s house but she just told me to leave. I already tried but it’s not working” he said “Maybe try to solve it between you and Liam first ?” I questioned “you can text hi and ask him to meet up, maybe he will give you a chance. That could be the start of everything” I said, he nodded “I’ll text him when I’m ready for it. How’s Gina doing ?” he asked “To be honest, bad. Really bad. She’s hardly eating, she’s crying a lot, she doesn’t laugh or smile, she doesn’t go outside anymore. So she’s a mess” I replied in every honest, he cried and I pulled him into a tight hug “Come on buddie, everything will be alright. I promise you” I said, he gave me a weak smile. We continued talking for a while.

A month later…

Liam’s POV:

I was looking on Twitter when my phone vibrated, I looked bit in shock at my phone. It was a text from Niall, I opened it “Yo, I’d like to meet up. Gimme a chance please” I sighed “Niall just texted me” I said, Louis directly looked at me “What is he saying ?” he asked “He wants to meet up..” I said as I put my phone away “Maybe you should” Louis said, I gave him a weird look “How about… No ?” – “It’s almost a month ago now. Maybe you should give him a chance..” he said, I sighed. Maybe he’s right.. Already a month passed by, Harry’s sleeping at Emma her house so he can take care of her, Gina’s sleeping at her own house, Niall is still sleeping at the hotel. Sky didn’t talk to Emma in ages, neither did I. Every time she tried to talk I just walked away. We didn’t do a concert or any meetings in a month now. We kind of “split up”. I decided to answer Niall, I grabbed my phone “Alright. Meet u at 4pm at milkshake city” I send the text.

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