Chapter 8: Scott

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        I actually think I'm starting to like Isilee. Now that I'm getting to know her. She's nice and funny and smart. And she's pretty. I've been spending so much time with her lately. Henri's all proud of himself because he thinks it's because of him this whole thing is working out. But it's not him. It's me and Isilee.

        I hear Isilee saying something to the guards outside my room. I quickly run a hand through my hair. Then she bursts in. Her cheeks are rosy and she's breathing heavily as if she's been running.


        "Hi, Scott! It's absolutely beautiful outside! We couldn't have picked a better day for a picnic. Are you ready?"

        "Yes. Let's go!"

        I take her hand and we run down the stairs to the kitchen.

        "Hi, Laurel! Do you have the food for the picnic?" I ask the head cook.

        She beams at me. "I most certainly do, Scott! It's so nice outside, I'm sure you two will have a blast. Bye!" Laurel passes me the basket and then waves.

         As we walk away Isilee slips her hand into mine. "I love how you know all the servants' names. It's just so...friendly."

        I laugh. "I guess so."

        For the rest of the afternoon we talk and laugh and play badmitton and eat our picnic lunch. Around seven o'clock we're called inside. Just before we enter the dining hall, I slip both my arms around Isilee's waist and lean down and kiss her.

        "Are you guys coming?" Henrik asks bursting through the door. He stops short when he's sees us. "Oh, um, I'm sorry. I didn't know," he mumbles akwardly as Isilee and I pull apart, embarrassed.

        After dinner we all go into the sitting room and play the piano and talk amongst ourselves. As the hour gets later we one by one excuse ourselves to bed.

        "Good night, everyone!" I say to the few people left.

        "Good night," they chorus back.

        I jog up the stairs to my room.

        "Hey, guys!" I say to the guards. "Wait a second, who are you?"

        These two guards are two that I've never seen before.

        "Hey, Scott! We're new here. We'll be doing the night shift."

        "That's great. Well, I'm going to get to bed. I'm absolutely exhausted!"

        "Sweet dreams," one says and they both laugh.

        I step inside and know instantly something isn't right because the doors to the terrace are open. As I go to shut them, someone covers my mouth with their hand. I kick bakcwards to free myself.

        "Guards! Come quick!"

        "Scotty-boy! You called?" says one.

        "Help me!"

        "Why?" says the other.

        "Are you stupid? You're supposed to protect me. That's your job."

        "You actually believed us? We work for the Queen of Astheia not you."

        I gasp and they laugh. Another man ties up my hands and legs. They tie a cloth around my mouth so I can't talk. The three of them step aside as a woman in a fancy dress and crown walks forward.

        "Hello, Scott."

        I squirm around trying to get free.

        "Oh, quit squirming and let me explain."

        I stop.

        "I'm the Queen of Astheia. You are my soon to be prisoner. I have a plan which I'm not going to tell you. The one thing I will tell you is this. You're going to work for me at my castle. You're my slave. Oh, and I almost forgot! If you try to run, or tell someone, or attempt to fulfill any other plans that might come into your head, the girl is dead. Pretty thing, isn't she? Wouldn't it be a bummer if you were the one resposible for her death?" She snaps her fingers. "Now hurry up! We've got to get out of here!"

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