chapter 21 - Happily ever after

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Aaliyah’s P.O.V

I looked around sighing Drake really had a thing for being late. I shut my eyes and images of last night creped in my head. I opened my eyes startled and I could help the private blush.

I felt a cold breeze and I looked up to see Drake walking into the restaurant, I smiled at him. He just had this thing to him that gave me comfort, he smiled apologetically, I rolled my eyes making him chuckle.

“I was wondering if we could talk a walk” he asked, I nodded and handed him his coffee. We walked into the busy streets of downtown. “So something I need to know I asked” taking a sip out of my coffee. Drake hesitated but spoke “Jay told me something, something he has been hiding from you for the longest time. I felt my palms getting sweaty and my heart started to race.

Drake seemed to notice my discomfort and patted back as he came to a stop on the side walk. “Your mother is still alive Aaliyah” I felt the world spinning as my brain registered his words, I wasn’t alone I did have a mother. Suddenly it felt as if everything in the world was right I felt like the happiest person in the world. I didn’t even need an explanation as long as I knew she was alive and well.

Drake looked down at me “she didn’t even know you were alive, right after she gave birth to you Jay took you away and the nurse that helped deliver the baby was compromised. She was paid to tell you mom you were still born”. I let out a breath I could feel my blood coursing through my veins and my face was drained of blood. Everything turned red as I experienced the rage I felt towards Jay.

Drake gripped my shoulders “You okay” he asked, I nodded blindly gesturing for him to continue. He let out a breath and I noticed his hands were shaking I wondered why this was so hard for him. “I was able to get in contact with your mother because I’m her son”.

This time my knees trembled and Drake caught me before I feel, my hand were shaking and so were his “So…so your my brother” I questioned Drake nodded and I couldn’t help my tears.

My eyes blinded and I felt Drakes arms wrap around me, I cried and cried not giving a damn who was looking. Finally I had all my answers everything I spent my hole life wondering; it had all been revealed.

Drake pulled away wiping my tears I smiled wiping his cheeks, “she’s here” he said and my heart stopped beating, I sucked in a breath as I looked past him. A tall woman with pitch black hair and eyes that looked exactly like mine was walking towards me. She had a tissue in her hand but she didn’t bother wiping her tears. I stood frozen as she walked towards me.

She grabbed me into a hug and I responded immediately “Oh Aaliyah im so sorry” she whispered in her beautiful voice. I sighed at how comforting she was. “Im so sorry dear” she apologized continually, I pulled her way “don’t apologize” I said making her look at me. “It wasn’t your fault, I would never blame you” I affirmed. She broke into tears smoothing my hair.

“Look Drake isn’t your sister beautiful” she asked holding me tight, he laughed and kissed my forehead “exquisite” he replied wrapping his arms around me.


I got into the car and realized something “Drake you’re older than me” I stated, he smiled “yep by 5 years” he stated, I stared at him waiting to explain, he smiled. “Well we both share the same father; ma had me when she was 19 which meant she married Jay, and then you”. I nodded and my mom squeezed my hand, I hadn’t called her mom yet and I had the overwhelming urge to do it and I gave in.

“Ma” o whispered making her hazel eyes look up at me, she looked up “you can say that as many time as you want Aaliyah I’ll never complain”. I jumped as my phone vibrated, everyone turned to look at me and I smiled nervously. “Umm its Chris, he..he’s”, “your boyfriend” Ma finished for me, I blushed. Drake chuckled “don’t worry she is very updated she kept me awake all night.

I smiled taking the phone call, “Im so sorry” Chris immediately said over the phone “I shouldn’t have hidden it from you”, “hidden what” I asked confused. “That your mom knew about you” he said sounding defeated. Realization crossed over me “No Chris you don’t have to be sorry for anything, she never knew that just what she told you” I replied. The phone went silent and I waited patiently “so you mean Ariel lied” he confirmed.

“Yes” I replied, “then I have more to be sorry for”

I let out a breath and noticed Ma and Drake were politely eavesdropping, I chuckled making them look my way and I raised an eyebrow; they looked away immediately. “Chris you don’t have to be sorry all the time, I never want you to apologize to me ever again, understand” I said, after a long pause Chris muffled a response “Understand” he replied.

“Were coming over” I affirmed, I heard Ryan yell something and realized I was probably on speaker or every one was eavesdropping. “Love you Chris, and all you guys that are eavesdropping” said over the phone. I heard all of them reply but most importantly Chris replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2012 ⏰

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