Happy Birthday!

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Okay so this chapter is very special to me! Why you may ask? Because....

MY BEST FRIEND WROTE THIS CHAPTER FOR ME... And I'm writing one hers. ;)

You guys have to read her story - Eyes of Fate ♥♥Her username is @ruksiboo

It's SOO good (":

And I'll be writing her next chapter so you guys will HAVE to read it :D

Or else...

I won't update CyberLove anymore...I'm serious you guys, her story is WAYYYY better than mine. And I'm pretty sure 75% of you guys don't even read the author's note =.=

That's just depressing, really.

Well you will just have to read her book.


And as usual....VOMMEFAN! \m/ LOL :D


I glanced my eye on the clock, it was 2 am. Had I seriously been thinking about Justin for 3 whole hours?

I couldn't help it! The beautiful memories of us together kept flashing in my mind. But WHY?!? Why was all this even happening? After all these years when I finally thought that I got over him, he had to come back and depress me all over again.

It was like...like...fate..destiny, those sort of stuff. The world is a small place after all....

What would I say to him the next time we spoke? It'd be so awkward.... Not for him, maybe 'cause he didn't know yet. He didn't know that he had been speaking to the little girl with blue eyes he used to play with all the time. He didn't know he was speaking with me, with Rachel, with HIS RAY! The Rachel who was his best friend. The Rachel he used to sing to, just to know if he was good enough. The Rachel he used to tell all his secrets to...

Without permission a tear fell from my eye, very soon drowning me into my sadness as I got lost into the best moments of my life.

My eyes opened to the sound of Taylor Swift's voice. Feeling all tired, on getting zilch sleep last night, I stumbled my way towards the bathroom to have a quick shower.

I looked at my reflection, I was wearing a pair of black skinnies and a hot pink top which went exactly with my dark coloured hair. I applied light make up and after I thought I looked presentable I made my way down the stairs inhaling the smell of burned toast. My mom was never going to learn to cook, I thought letting a sigh leave my lips.

Not feeling so hungry anymore I waved my mom a goodbye, after sipping in a glass of water. Slamming the door behind me I walked towards my car.

"Heyyyyyyyyy Rayyyyyyy" Anne squeaked, walking towards me.

I looked at her, she was wearing a blue hood with a white top underneath and a pair of blue jeans which went perfectly with her ocean-blue eyes. Her honey coloured hair was tied into a pony tail which was also blue in colour.

Man she was so colour conscious!

"Hey" I replied, a little too quickly

"What's wrong? And OMG your eyes!!!!! Did you get any sleep last night?"She questioned, piercing her eyes into mine, as we walked towards the lockers.

'What's wrong with me?' Her words repeated in my head, waiting to get an answer. Oh yeah! I had just found out that the person who had broken my heart, left me betrayed had come back into my life once again as being my best friend. How could anyone be so dense? I thought letting a sigh leave my lips.

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