Stormseekers (On Hold)

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Pocketing the housekeys, the eleven year old set off to his best friend's house to play some football.


They had met at a park during his first year of elementary school - he had found a boy his own age with some other kids playing( a game he would learn to love later on) football. He had climbed a low branch to get a better view of the game. Collin, seeing the boy near the tree watching them, called out to him,

"Wanna play?" He gestured to the ball and his friends.

He hesitated for a while before climbing down and walking towards the group of kids. They played all afternoon and soon, after many such games throughout the next few months, became best friends. Although he admitted he was quite jealous of how Collin could play so well...


He shook off the flashback, realising he was only a few blocks away from Collin's house. He wiped the back of his neck with a handkerchief and broke into a jog. Soon, he was walking up the driveway off a two storey Victorian house. Before his knuckles made contact with the brown double doors, he heard a loud voice that sounded much like a foghorn coming from inside. He had thought it was Collin's father, an alcoholic that wasn't at home much, who was yelling. He backed away from the door, unsure, and hid behind a willow tree that stood nearby. The voice of Collin talking, usually defiant, could be heard wavering.

"What's the meaning of this? I come back home and that piece of shit brings her flowers?! Why didn't you tell me?! What's the matter with you, you filthy little rascal!" his father bellowed.

Then, something sounding like a bat falling to the ground could be heard. The way Collin screamed next made him shiver, he thought about going in to help him, unable to make up his mind. He jumped at the sound of the gate creaking open-- Collin's mother was walking to the house with a load of shopping. The noise in the house loudened and her ears picked up Collin's screams. Hurrying now, she pushed the door open violently, flung the groceries aside and ran upstairs. The yelling died down, then there was a muffled voice speaking probably belonging to Collin's mother. A loud THUMP! followed by whimpering could be heard. Neighbors came out of their houses to see what was going on.

"Get out of here, get out! I'm calling the cops!" Collins mother screamed.

Ten minutes later, the sirens of police cars and an ambulance rang deafeningly close to his ears. He dared to walk out from behind the tree and approach the stretcher that was being carried out. He felt sick when his eyes landed on a barely recognizable Collin and gasped.

Collin was almost dead.

(That's Collin in the media)



Elesandra_Finn, my co-writer and editor(sister, too!)

ItsAMetaphor_1, for the two wonderful covers. (, [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]. Dedication will be up soon.

Book cover: ItsAMetaphor_1 and myself (the title part).

TakeMyAdvice101, for the covers she worked very hard on.

I'm sorry, I forgot ladyluck so-so's name. I just know she a ladyluck. She made a really nice cover.

I have also forgotten someone else's name-- she made a nice cover too. I can upload it in the mutimedia...

The rest of the credits are coming soon. Book trailer is coming soon, too.

P.S. *Means flashback.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2015 ⏰

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