100 Years Ago

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"Aang don't go!" I pleaded, shaking my brothers shoulders.

"Sina, I need you to let me go, and help sort things out when everyone wakes up." Aang gently pried my fingers off his shoulders. Tears slid down my face and I stumbled back, foot catching on my bed. Automatically I created a cushion of air to avoid impact, just as Aang had taught me. I sat down on my bed, and curled into my knees. "Sina please, don't cry, Sina please!" 

"Just go." I said harshly. My voice was suddenly deep, filled with hate and anger. I flung my finger towards the door and bended it open.

"Sina! You know that I don't want to hurt you. If there was any other way," He was practically begging me.

"Go. It's what you chose to do.Have a nice life." I stated, smirking despite the darkness of what I was saying. Aang hugged me one last time, before hopping on Appa and slipping away, as though our bond was slipping out of my fingers with every harsh wind that whispered in my ear 'goodbye'

A dark feeling filled the air, and I could here a soft counting, as though the wind was warning me '5 run run don't come again 4 don't let this breath be your last 3 salvage what you can, and run 2 make a break for it, now or never 1 DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU' A large explosion sounded, leaving me shocked as I took off, nearing closer and closed to the air temples living quarters.

I burst through the door to find everyone huddled in a corner. "Take the youngest  to the hospital, there we can offer better protection" I commanded Alin, who was holding a young baby. "I want anyone over 3 and under 15 to go to the monks. Understood? I want ALL non-benders to go with them, and anyone expecting a child. Everyone else, come with me." All I could hope is that the monks could keep them safe, as for everyone else, well I hope we know what we're doing.

I led everyone into battle, crying out 'AIRBENDERS!' I yanked up a wall of air, throwing back 50 fire-benders. Rocks slowly began swirling around me, air curled around me elivating me into the sky, water  rushed in a sash around my air buble and fire heated it as it ran in a sash on the opposite direction. In a single move, I took out hundereds of fire-benders, but they just kept coming. As the battle raged on, I didn't realizing I was moving closer to the edge of our temples grounds.

 The next thing I remember was a crack of lightning, and ice curling around me, whispering 'Go to sleep young avatar, Go to sleep'

A\N; so there you have it. the first chapter of the unseen queen :) Any good? 

I do not own any characters other then the obvious. 

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