6. The Mentor

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“So here’s the deal…” Lyn began, “Margret your parents have agreed to come over and meet my parents tonight right?”


“Well, I’ve told them everything about your situation.  About your mom and where you came from.”


“And they understand and have decided to help in any way they can as long as they don’t have to lie to your parents.  They’ve also promised to be on their best behavior tonight.”

I smiled, “That’s great!”

“And if all goes well you can come over to my house without her right?”


“Okay, so then once that gets settled you can come over and then later Declan can come over and we can begin your normal High School life.” She said with a clap. 

I hugged her, “Thank you so much for doing this for me.  You didn’t have to.”

“That’s what friends are for Margret.”

It’s been a week since Declan first called me.  Monday we talked about the situation with Declan, Chelsea, and Quinn and we decided to finally do this.  They all also decided to help me get my High School experiences. 

I went and told my parents we had been invited to dinner by Lyn’s family and they had to agree to go.  It wasn’t polite to turn down an invitation that was given with plenty of time.  Plus my mom had no real excuse not to go.

I was so happy Lyn did this for me though.  I have never had a friend like her.  Or like Declan for that matter. 

Slowly I’m beginning to like him more, but I’m too afraid to say anything yet.  He’s been very nice, and I think he likes me, but I don’t want to rush into something and then be wrong.

I’ve talked with Noah a bit and he’s agreed to hang out with us a bit so that he can actually get to know Lyn.  He still hasn’t though.  I honestly cannot understand why he’s so afraid.

After school I quickly said goodbye to Lyn and Declan and ran to my mom’s car.

I was so excited for tonight.

When I got home after a silent car ride I ran upstairs and began getting ready.

I curled my hair and fixed my makeup.  I looked through my closet and found a navy blue dress with thick straps and went down to right above my knees.  It covered my chest completely and was loose all the way down, but I put a brown belt around my waist to make it appear more flattering.

I slipped on some brown flats that matched the belt and I was finished. 

I had an hour before we were supposed to be there though.  I got a little ahead of myself.

I sat down on my bed and looked out the window for Noah.  He wasn’t there.  I sighed.

I was kind of bored.  My phone was sitting on my nightstand.  I still hadn’t had the nerve to call Declan first, but I was so bored and I wanted to talk to him so bad.

I reached over and picked up the phone.

I took a deep breath, found Declan’s name, and pressed call.

It rang and rang and rang, then went to voicemail.

I quickly shut the phone.  I’m so embarrassed, now he’s going to see I called and think I’m too forward.

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