A chance.

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What i have in me,

in my mind is you

(I would die if we were through)

What i'm feeling now,

what i'm heading into

(I am lost in pain without you)

Linus hardly got any sleep.All he was thinking about was Ellie.How is she?Where and with who?Why was she taken?                      

Peter with Gregory were very worried.He wouldn't eat,sleep,he was always out preparing his men,followed by an obsessed Jake who wanted her to be found as much as Linus did because of the guilt he felt.....and when home he would shut himself away in his office,which was dark and he would drink.They heard him talking alone quite a few times and they worried more and breaking things.

Gregory felt bad for his nephew but wouldn't dare to disturb him.Peter from the other hand wanted to talk to him badly and comfort him but.....he wouldn't listen he was sure,and he wouldn't allow to anyone to stay with him in there.He wanted his privacy but it wasen't good.He would go crazy,and God knows what his wolf could be telling him,Peter didn't want to imagine it.

If he wouldn't accept his help he would just work alone.He would find a way,a way without putting in danger himself and others to find her.Peter sat at his room quietly and thought of ways to help.Anything.Or anyone that could.

Linus had already put his best trackers to search and they've been away for 2 days now.He didn't have any news yet and as he sat in his dark office with a bottle and glass of wine he stared hard at the door.He clenched his fists and tagged his nails deep into his skin,not caring he was hurting himself.Any other kind of pain was better and sweet compared to his emotional pain.

He suddenly snarled furious at the door,angry with everything.Everything pissed him off,made him extremely angry and ready to lunge out and destroy it.He wanted her back.He needed her.He slapped with the back of his hand the glass sending it crashing to the wall and stood up fast making his chair hit the wall behind,slamming his fists down hard to his desk.

He breathed hard in and out,his eyes wide burning holes through the door.This felt worst than the torturing he had as a kid.Ranulf most of the time when they were home he would remain silent.Craving his loved one.Wishing she was alright but knowing deep down she was....or at least if not...knowing that she was still alive.

This had never happened before,he didn't know what to do.He just wanted to get out and run away to look.The trackers were taking too long and they both were running out of patience.

Its been two days and Ellie although having an okay time with Arthur who treated her like a princess she felt sad.Depressed.She was all smiles and laughter around him and Damon but when alone or deep down inside she was hurting.

It was easy to pretent but she didn't think she could keep on for too long.

She stayed good and obedient pleasing Arthur to earn his trust so he would at least let her roam around free and not keeping her in her small hut when he had work,which he had often.Thankfully though Damon would keep an eye on her and let her out sometimes when he didn't need to be close to Arthur.

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