5. The Mentor

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I got up feeling a bit better Friday morning.  I got ready with the normal routine.  I did everything my mother asked, but I wasn’t so angry anymore.  I was just so happy to go to school.

As I was walking out the door I remembered my brand new cell phone and grabbed it.  I couldn’t wait to show Lyn and Declan!

My mom dropped me off without a word and I rushed into the school.  I didn’t see either of them on my way in so I went to my locker.

While I was there I saw someone lean against the lockers next to me from the corner of my eye.

I looked up and there was Noah.  I smiled, “Hey!”

“Hey Margret, how are you feeling?”

“Much better thanks to you.”

“I’m glad.” He smiled. 

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and Noah’s face grew slightly dark, but then a smile spread again.  “Morning Declan.”

“Good morning Noah.”

I turned and smiled at Declan.  “Hey!”

He smiled kindly down at me, “Hey Maggie.”

I suddenly remembered what Noah had said about not getting along with Declan and the whole situation suddenly shifted into being awkward.

“Um…so Declan, my mom gave me a cell phone yesterday!” I smiled, breaking the awkwardness a little.

“Really?! That’s great!  Can I get your number?”

“Sure, but you can only call, because I can’t get texts.”

“That’s fine.” He smiled, “It’s better than nothing.” He winked and I could feel my cheeks grow hot. 

“So yesterday I found out Noah is my neighbor.” I commented happily, distracting myself this time.

“Is he now?” Declan replied with what sounded like a bit of strain.

“Yes I am.  Our windows are right across from each other too.  We had a pleasant conversation.” Noah smirked.

“Yes!  Made me feel so much better.” I said, not realizing what I was really saying. 

“Better about what?” Declan asked, slightly worried.

“About my mom.  I’m just really confused right now.  It’s complicated.” I stated.

“I see.  Well, you know you can talk to me about anything Maggie.”

“I know.” I replied happily.  Declan did smile back to me, but I could see something was weighing on his mind.

Suddenly Lyn showed up.  “Hey guys, what’s going on?” She smiled.

I saw Noah go rigid for a second, and then he was suddenly super awkward.  “Well, I’ll see you later Margret.” He practically whispered then basically ran away.

“That guy is always running away from me.” She said frowning.  “I think he hates me.”

“He doesn’t.” I put in.

She looked down at me, “How would you know?” She laughed.

“He told me.  He’s my next door neighbor and he thinks you’re really great.” I said smiling.

She looked surprised, but then a smiled spread across her face, “Does he now?”

“Yes, he expressed to me that I should spend more time with you and Declan.”

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