Landing Home

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Dedicated to the awesome person who made the awesome cover photo!

“Sweetie, wake up.” An Irish accent told me, shaking me lightly. My eyelids flickered and focused on the blonde. He smiled and I reluctantly got up with his help.

“Where’s Zayn?” I asked him after looking around for the boy I had loved for a while now.  I couldn’t find my family either. Actually, it was only Niall and I.

“They already got off. We kind of forgot about you.” Niall told me, smiling evilly.

“LIAR,” I screamed, hitting him in the arm playfully. He smiled and dragged me off of the plane.

“There she is, do you like lying to us, saying you are going to wake up, and not!” Liam yelled at me as soon as I got off the plane. Not many people were on the plane, since it was eleven at night.

“Babe, don’t say anything to Liam, but Dani broke up with him.” Zayn whispered in my ear when he had walked up to me and Niall.

“Why?” I screamed. All eyes turned on me and I covered my mouth. Liam and Louis raised their eyebrows, Harry tilted his head, and Gemma’s eyes got big.

“Ooppss sorry,” I told them after Zayn had finally took his hand off of my mouth. Couldn’t you of done something nicer, Zayn Malik?

“Talk to her,” Zayn whispered in my ear and I shivered. Dude is aggravating me.

“Are you guys coming?” Harry yelled as he walked to the baggage claim.

“Yes,” I yelled, grabbing Zayn’s hand and running to the group to catch up.

            I woke up in Zayn’s arms, getting carried bridal style into the house. I laughed at this and he smiled at me, kissing me quickly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we started laughing together.

            Zayn Malik, you’re awesome. I love you and I hope we never break up. Ever,

“WAKE UP!” Gemma screamed, jumping up and down on the bed. I looked over to see Zayn still sleeping. How can he be still sleeping with someone jumping on the bed?

“Gemma, stop it!” I groaned, rolling over and leaning against Zayn. He wrapped his arm around me, rolling over, and cuddling with me. Score for Alyssa!

“Get up, Get up, and Get up! Someone is here to see you, bitch!” She yelled, pulling me away from Zayn which made Zayn shoot right up. His eyes looked around wildly and I laughed, making him look at me. He pulled me to him and kissed me. I leaned into him and he put his hand on the back of my head.

“Ehem, your visitor is getting impatient, and so am I.” Gemma snorted, poking us.

“Okay, okay,” I muttered, pulling away from Zayn sadly. I followed Gemma down the stairs, Zayn trailing behind me. Zayn grabbed my hand and kissed me before I could see who was there.

“Alyssa! Long time no see, aye? Well, I got your address and here I am!” The voice shouted and I groaned.

Sorry, been on writers block!!

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