19-Forgiven? Maybe, in Bed? Definately

Start from the beginning

We stopped to let the car pass and Garret’s hand tightened around mine, as if afraid I would ran away.

I glanced up at him; his face was set in determination and a faraway look. We made our way to his apartment with even thinking, it was only when the view came into place that it registered.  An image of me standing in front of this very same building flashed in my mind. The wind was howling and there was a rather cruel chill in the air. A storm was coming; it was all over the news. The mood of the weather matched my mood that cold night. I remembered standing under the lone tree that adored the front lawn of the apartment building. My hands wrapped around myself. Sobbing, as the reality of what happened that night finally sunk in.

Garret tugged on my hand and looked at me with concern in his eyes. I realized that I had stopped walking during my path down memory lane and now we stood under the exact same tree. Only now it wasn’t shaking under the fierce shake of the wind. Now it was calm and peaceful.

“Are you ok, we don’t have to do anything, I promise, we can just sit and talk” he assured me, but then seemed to think about what he said and added “Or watch TV” because honestly, what could we possibly talk about, how I resented him and Derek for what they did, or how he was sorry.

I nodded showing that I understood and let him think I was hesitating because I was unsure, when really; I was taking a trip down memory lane.

I shrugged the feeling off and followed him into the building.

I glanced around when we got inside, the apartment didn’t look anything like what I thought it would. I imagined, a bachelor pad and clothes lying around all over the place, but that wasn’t it. The couch was soft looking and white, clean. A huge TV hung on the wall across from the couch and a football game was paused. The coffee table was simple. The kitchen was across from the living room and it also was clean. Dinner plates were set out and I frowned, were they expecting someone?

The hallway led to a corridor that led to two bedrooms. I did a 360 as a glanced around and when I turned around; I noticed Derek stood there, dressed in jeans and a dress shirt.

My mouth dropped open, I couldn’t believe it, he was clean and shaven and so proper looking, I had never seen Derek in anything more than a t-shirt and jeans and now here he was.

He held a single red rose in his hands, and I tried not to burst out laughing because he was crushing the poor rose. I guess he was nervous.

Garret’s hands wrapped around my waist and he steered me in the direction of the dining table. I went willing, my heart fluttering in my chest. Where they doing this for me?

 After pulling my chair out for me like the perfect gentleman, I sat down and watched in awe as both guys stood in front of me; hope was sketched into their features.

I smiled, they both looked nervous, and then Derek reached out and flipped down the light switch. Instantly, the room turned black but then a second later, he flipped another switch and illuminating little lights came on. They were sprinkled all over the room and they shone with great intensity. I gasped, they were beautiful, some were in lamp shaped form and others were circular, they were all different colors and the reflected off everything in the house.

I glanced up at them, they were both watching me.

Before I thought about it, I squealed and jumped into Derek’s arms. His big strong arms enveloped me and I basked in the warmth and comfort. They tightened around me, as If battling with himself of whether or not to let me go. Slowly, though another set of arms wrapped around me and I leaned into Garret, his strong chest felt good on my back, like was supporting me.

Unbroken  SHIFTER'S HEART: EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now