Chapter 11

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Yeah! 5 comments! One was mine, but whatever.

Last Time

 As I was pulled under into the arms of unconsciousness, I noticed one last thing:

The figure had blonde hair.

Kyle had brown.


I came to with a little start.

I let out a moan, my whole body ached and I could feel a headache forming from behind my eyes. 

Feeling the cool hard ground against my back, I shifted uncomfortably. 

I moaned again, my body whining and protesting just at the shifting movement.

My entire body begged for sleep and rest.

I felt a warm hand on my forehead and I stiffened as tingles erupted along my body..

"Shhh, its okay." A comforting voice cooed. Suddenly the ache in my body disappeared, I let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you feeling better?" His voice seemed to wrap around me, surrounding me in comfort and warmth like a soft blanket. My brain filled with fog and I couldn't think straight.

"Eat it" Something was pushed into my hands. I opened my eyes and saw a fiber bar.

I unwrapped the package and slowly chewed on the chocolatey bar. 

It was wonderful, and my stomach growled happily yet greedily. Before I could even pose a question, another fiber bar was smashed into my hands. My stomach growled again, this time even louder and I ripped open the small package and ate it.

I smilled and went to gaze into my mates face.

But it was not Kyle.

I jumped up to my feet in a flash, surprised I was able to do so without getting dizzy. I felt energized and strong.

"Who are you?"

I stared up into a gorgeous face surrounding by golden blond hair. He had an odd worried expression on his face. His blue eyes were narrowed in concern. He wore shorts, and a slightly worn t-shirt all paired with no shoes. He had a green backpack at his side.

An outfit for a werewolf outside in the wilderness. You had to have some clothes when you wanted to get supplies in town.

"You should sit down, you must be a little weak from your experience."

His voice was soft and dripped with sincerity. His words warmed my heart, yet I didn't know why.

Why was this man, a very handsome man, I must admit, make me feel like he was my mate? 

"Who are you?" I repeated.

"I'm your mate, I'm so glad we have finally found each other."

He reached out to touch me and I jerked away.

"You can't be my mate." I said.

What about Kyle? Kyle is my mate. Not this impostor.

"And why is that?" He smiled a little cocky smile. 

I took a little breath and said.

"Because I already have a mate." 


His eyes flew open in surprise. A look of shock crossed his face. 

"We are mates, you feel it don't you, you are my mate. Your mine." He said it all in a rush. A desperate attempt to have me listen. For me to come to my senses.

I looked at his face. It can't be.

He is not my mate. This man whose name I don't even know can not be my mate.

Kyle is waiting for me.

So I lied.

"No, I don't feel anything."

A look of horror crossed his handsome features. Then his gaze hardened.

"No!" He growled and I saw his blue eyes turn a golden yellow, only slightly darker than his hair.

He grabbed for me, his hand passing mere inches from my body as I jumped around calling up all my energy to run.

I ran away, my body running at blurring speed. I could feel the adrenaline that pumped through my veins.

I could feel him behind me, closing in fast. It was foolish of me to think I could outrun him, he was faster and stronger than me.

I desperately ran faster, One thought on my mind.

I had to get away.

He was dangerous.

I raced through the trees going as fast I could go. 

Then I felt my body slow. 

I then reminded myself what I had been doing for the past month: starving myself. The energy left my body as fast as it had came.

I stumbled and I hit the ground on my hands and knees. I skid along the ground a little and I could feel cuts open along my knees and hands.

My breath came out in fast pants and the world started to spin. As I fell towards the ground, I felt myself being picked up. 

I was wrapped up in comfort and warmth and my body betrayed me by sinking into his chest.

I quickly fell asleep to one last whisper in my ear: "You will be mine."


Yeah. I'm back! 

 I missed you all! 

I can't believe we are all ready at chapter 11. 

Topic change!

I have had an awesome week! My dance recital was last week. 

My ninth year of dancing!


It was so awesome.

So, the same thing as last time. 

5 comments! Yeah!!!

Its not that bad. I swear. 

Just tell me what you think about the story. Yah!


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