Karma? get the fuck out fool.

12 1 0

Karma means 

That what comes around

Goes around

Or easier put

That what you do

Comes back to you 

So if I do right 

I get treated right

And If I do wrong

Things will end up wrong for me

I'm a lover and a fighter

I fight for freedom and peoples safety

I do not harm only protect

Every tear I wipe away

Every cry for help I take

Every broken heart that I mend 

Every wound to which I tend

All for the happiness of others

Seventeen years six months seventeen days

Each day in full dedication

Well what if I'd abdicate?

Would the world still spin?

See for some reason karma is fucking me.

And not in a good way. 

I've only seen death and deceit

Pain and sorrow

Endless tears

For all the right

Only wrong

I wish something would come along

To make me happy

Cause I've never really been

Happy for longer than a week.

But usually not even more than

A day or two.... 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2012 ⏰

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