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I'm running out of time

Before I run out of lifetime

We only get one life and I wanna spend it with you

I wanna do everything with you it's true.

You're the only thing that matters to me.

Without you in my life, I probably won't be

My love grew stronger with every word you said

We talked from when you woke up until you went to bed.

I know a lot about you

But there's so much I don't know too.

I wanna get to know you so much more

Because it's only you who I adore.

I love the way you never give up

I love the way you look even without make up

I love the way you think and act

You have everything I lacked.

We talked about all of our secrets

What we talked about had no limits

You changed  my life in many ways

Now my life has many pathways.

But there's only one path I want to take

All the other paths are a mistake

The path is loving and being with you

And hoping you want the same too.

Glitter or rust?

Love or lust?

Numbness or pain?

Sunshine or rain?

Silence or cliche?

Pitch-black night or blinding day?

And a new day will dawn for those who stand long


or fake affections?

Smiles or lies?

Bees or butterfiles?

And the forest will echo with laughter

Stay or leave?

Drown or breath?

I wrote you a poem

For you to decide

Make me smile or kill me inside

I love you and want to prove it to you

Ask me to do anything, and I'll do it, it's true

I only got one question for you

Do you want me always and forever to be with you?

DecideTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon