02 - The Dream

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In the middle of history class, I felt a pen cap stab me in the back. I whipped my head around, annoyed, because he had hit one of my newer bruises. Between Connor's shoving and Luke's random jabs, I was starting to feel like there was a target painted there.

"What?" I hissed. 

"This class sucks," Luke mumbled, sticking me with his pen again.

"Luke Bennett, if you poke me with your pen one more time, I swear I will make sure you never get breakfast at my house again. And even if you cry, I won't care," I said under my breath.

"Don't be so dramatic, Rory." He stifled a yawn. "I'm gonna take a nap. Let me copy your notes later."

"If you get caught sleeping again, Mr. Grant is going to throw you in detention," I whispered. 

Luke ignored me, resting his face in his textbook. I wasn't surprised to find that it wasn't even opened to the right page. Before long, I could hear the soft sound of his snoring.

I was just about to turn around and wake him up when the door to the classroom opened. Everyone's heads automatically swiveled towards the direction of the door and we all watched a guy stroll in. He walked towards Mr. Grant and handed him a piece of paper.

Murmurs of 'who's that?' and 'he must be new!' traveled around the classroom.

Mr. Grant said something to the newcomer and then announced, "Class, this is Seth Parker. Mr. Parker just moved here from Arizona. Take some time out of your painfully busy schedules to introduce yourselves. But do it on your own time as to not disturb my class. Would you like to say a few words to your new classmates?"

He gave the room a quick sweep with his eyes. "Hey."

"How eloquent," Mr. Grant said sarcastically. "Now let's find you a seat. Let's see. You can sit—" His eyes scanned the room and stopped at Luke. He frowned menacingly. "Mr. Bennett, am I boring you?"

Luke jolted awake, slamming his knees against the underside of his desk and causing the class to erupt in laughter.

"This is the second time this month. Detention after school tomorrow will be sure to give you plenty the opportunity to rest. Now, Mr. Bennett grab your belongings. You're moving to this vacant seat that is so conveniently close to the front of the room," Mr. Grant said. "Seth, you can have his old seat, behind Ms. Wade."

I smiled sadly at Luke as he walked past me. He flashed me a puppy dog face in response as he trudged towards the front of the class. As they passed each other, Luke muttered to Seth, "Welcome to hell on earth."

I got a good look at Seth as he squeezed past my desk to get to his new one.

He dropped his bag noisily and his chair screeched as he sat down. He was pretty good looking, if you liked the mysterious, boyish type. His movements were graceful and oddly purposeful. I know I had never met him before, yet something about him seemed eerily familiar. It was like I knew him from somewhere, but I just couldn't place it.

Turning my head slightly to get another peek at him, I was surprised to find that he was looking right at me. My eyes met his bright blue ones, and I felt a current pass through my body. I quickly turned back towards the front of the class and didn't dare look behind me again.

Mr. Grant continued his mind-numbingly boring lecture on World War II, but I couldn't concentrate anymore. I spent the rest of the class period trying to figure out how in the world I knew Seth Parker. And then before I knew it, the bell rang and school was over for the day.

Seth was already out the door before I even had a chance to shut my textbook.

"Why's he in such a rush?" Luke asked, coming over to my desk with his backpack already looped over one arm.

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