Profit {2}

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I got Jole to talk to me.  I was surprised he was so willing to volunteer so much information. In exchange for him information, I was willing to put him into hiding. All he wanted to do was escape, he regretted going to the cult. Thinking the vampire world was something he was ready for. So many had fallen for their tricks and Jole wanted out. He knew he couldn’t just disappear without them noticing he was gone, after all he was their food. With the information he gave me, I went to research things at the vampire government building downtown.  I couldn’t find anyone on the vampire court to talk to about what I found. I gave up and headed home.

When I walked inside I took off my shoes right away. Being pregnant was odd. I was tired most the time or hungry.  Last night I watched a movie with Darren and I cried for no reason, the movie wasn’t even sad. Now, I hated shoes. My feet always wanted to be free. I smelled food so I followed it outside to the backyard. Darren was standing there grilling with no shirt on. I couldn’t tell which I was more excited about, the burgers on the grill or making cooking them.  I took my seat at the table behind him.

“And where has my wife been all day?” He asked as he walked in the house. He had a bowl hot mac & cheese in his hands and baked beans.

“Been down town researching some stuff on this whole profit thing.” I took everything in my focus on what I was saying and not stuffing my face with the bowl of mac and cheese.

“I keep hearing a lot of stuff like that at work. I don’t think it’s rule, I mean by know I’m sure the profit would have come. Even if there was one.” Darren sat a plate in front me and I just attacked it. I didn’t realize how hungry I was. Darren chuckled “Babe, eat and talk at the same time.”

“Sorry.” I wiped my lips and swallowed the bite of food. “From what I found, the profit is said to be real. There is someone born into power, so much more that they can bring both the vampire race and human race to it’s knees. They are trying to find the profit in these human kids, so they can use him or her to enslave the humans.” I took another big bit of my hamburger.

“I’ve heard of that, well something like that. It’s an old story called  “The Lord of the Damned” Dad use to tell it to us all the time as kids.” Darren sat down across from me “Vampires have their own religion and beliefs. The story was that human women had four children by a vampire.  All of them displayed abilities of a vampire. All but the second child, a daughter. They thought she was going to be a human for the rest her life. Slow, the girl did become a vampire but not a normal one. She could do things no normal vampir could do.  Her thirst for blood was stronger than her siblings. She could control vampires and humans. Once she was found out they vampires they wanted her to lead as she got older. And she did, but then the day came such as this one where they  wanted her to enslave the humans. She couldn’t do it no matter how much they asked. She remember how kind the humans had been to her when the vampires were. She loved humans and she didn’t want to harm them. The vampires of that time didn’t understand that, so they took the girl’s mother. Told her if she didn’t do it, her mother would die. She was no longer a girl, she was a women. She had to make a choice. Her choice is what no one had wanted. Since she was immortal no one could harm her, so she harmed herself. She took her own life to keep the two things she loved the most safe.”  

“That’s sad, she couldn’t have a normal life because they wanted to use her for their personal gain.” The poor girl died for people she loved.

“I don’t know if that story is true or not, but that sounds like the profit you were talking about.”  I leaned back in my chair and put my feet in Darren’s lap.

“If it is the same profit, wouldn’t they try to mate a human with vampire?” The whole biting teenagers didn’t make sense to me.  “Wouldn’t that make a little more sense?”

“It would, but I think the bit could trigger the gene inside. Kind of like a dormant volcano. Your idea seems more logical.” Darren replied.

“I read that the profit is suppose to be born when the sea is high. Born of from the light and dark, but the soul can only claim one.” I started  to resist what I read today. “A land of the free or a land of doom. Savior may save us all, or doom us.”

“Okay, the sea is only high during a full moon. The profit is born from good and evil but can only become one or the other. EIther the world be saved or thrown into darkness.” Darren ducted. I went on to tell the rest.

“Lighting and water gives birth to a new element that causes destruction. What destroys us all, can be control. Immortal till the end a child of Amathis, a god of salvation and destruction shall tire down the walls and get birth to a new world.” Darren looked at me as he figured it out.

“Well I don’t know an element outside of fire that can cause destruction. No vampire fully recovers from being burned by fire, but this profit can control it. Amathis is the name of the first profit that I told you about. Again the profit can save us or destroy us. No matter if the profit is good or evil it sounds like it will plunge the world into a new age.” Darren sat back in his chair. “Their right to be look for someone to be young. But off about it starting off as human child. It has to be born of vampire blood like Amathis was. That vampire blood has to come from somewhere.”

“But don’t all vampires start off human at first? I asked him.

“Yes, all children born of vampire blood start off human. So that will make  the search even harder.” Darren answered. “I can see why they why they went for teenagers. Get the profit before while it’s still in that stage to be taught how to use it’s powers.”

“Okay, lets think about what we know so far.” I pushed my empty plate away as Darren rubbed my feet.

“IF this profit is real. It has destructive powers. It’s someone born on a full moon. It’s a child born with one or both vampire parents. The profit is either gonna be good or bad and can do what normal vampires can’t.” I rolled my eyes.

“Well that’s not much to go on now is it.” I don’t see how the cult was gonna narrow down it’s search. If anything, these human teenagers being targeted was just an excuse to kill for blood. Either one was wrong.

“What we don’t know is the gender of the profit or if this profit will come to pass or not. I mean normally vampires know when something bad is gonna come. There is no signs of a profit, that's why people don’t think it’s real. I mean it’s been hundreds of year since the last one. Why would the profit just now just come back into the cycle of life?”  I smiled, see this why I talked to him about stuff. He could always make more sense of things then when I thought about them alone.

“Even if they or the vampire court finds the profit, there is nothing can me done. Sounds like the profit will find it’s own way no matter what. Just Amathis found her own way.” I pointed out.

“That is true. This whole cult thing needs to be bust up tho.”  I stood up and picked up our plates. “If the profit is meant to be, then there shouldn’t be in any interference.”  Darren took the plate out my hands and picked me up his arms. He sat me down on the sofa and started asking what was suppose come on tonight on tv. He still wasn’t much a tv watcher like I was, but some shows he gave a try. For the time the profit, the cult and work was all put aside for quality time.  

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