Chapter 37: Roses Blue

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Chapter 37: Roses Blue

“You didn’t tell her what I am to you, Dean.”

He glanced back at the blond girl and sighed. “What do you want from me?”

Amanda sat down by the chair that Taylor left and smiled back at him. “I want you to be with me.” She said with her sweet voice.

Dean glanced away, “Didn’t I said that I have someone else now?”

Amanda silenced.

“How many times do I have to tell you, Amanda.” Dean said, “Taylor is my girlfriend. And I won’t hook up with someone else anymore.”

Amanda’s blue eyes narrowed, “Is that what you want?” She said, “We were a perfect couple. Not like some bodyguard girl.”

“Amanda, you’re now my ex.” Dean answered, “And if you’re going to start this again. I think it’s best to keep ourselves as not friends but as–”

“As what?” Amanda glanced back at him, “Strangers?”

Then there was a knock and the door opened.

Harris entered into the room and I followed behind.

“How are you feeling?” Harris asked. Looking around he saw Amanda and greeted her with a smile.

“I’m fine.” Dean answered. “What took you so long?” He then looked back at me.

Studying me a bit longer his eyes widened, “What happened to your cheek?”

I touched the scratch that was on my right cheek and smiled, “Oh, this is nothing.” I said. Remembering how Harris and I got out of the Firer crowd.

When I told everyone to stop, Harris, for some reason, knew what I was going on through my head. My network had already planned something for Firer to play a role in this game. And the next thing was he commanded his forces to withdraw and let Henry and Firer go. And now, as I tried to remember where this scratch was from, I’m not quite sure.

I smiled back at Dean.

“Are you sure?” He said to me. “Because it looks pretty deep.” He examined it closer. Pressing it a little, I felt an ache but to keep it real, I didn’t react.

I glanced away from him and held the plastic bag of food. “Here’s your lunch and dinner.” I said.

“Well, then.” Harris said, “Good to see you in shape, Dean. I better be going.”

Dean’s eyes widened with his half full mouth. “Already?”

Harris nodded and waved goodbye. I just looked at him and he didn’t say anything to me. I guess all that drama today is too much. But still I can’t believe that he had so many secrets. Why didn’t he tell me? I thought that I was his best buddy.

“Ummm…” Amanda said quietly, “Are you sure that you’ll be fine, Dean?”

Dean glanced back at her, though his facial expression was straight. “I’ll be alright with Taylor.” He said firmly.

Amanda glanced back with me for this weird stare like I was some theft. But I just blinked.  She placed her sweet smile, “Oh, okay then,” she said quietly, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” And she waved to Dean still smiling as she left the door.

And for some reason it felt like I was ignored by both Harris and Amanda.  I looked at the door and spaced out for a few moments. Dean suddenly smiled and started to wave his hands in my face.  I stopped and glanced back at him. “What?” I asked it. It really felt like I was babysitting a three year old.

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