Chapter Eighteen

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-----------------Bree's POV-----

I woke up to two people talkign and water being splashed on me. I tried to figure out who's voice was talking, and after a few moments, I realized that it was Amanda and Damien. I got mad, thinking that Damien was hurting Amanda. I finally got up on my feet and heard Amanda hissing to Damien to get on his knees. I knew that this was tough for him because he is an Alpha and does not like to submit. 

After a few seconds of grumbling, he finally got on his knees. I was very confused, but realized that he had food. My stomach rumbled painfully, reminding me that i had not eaten all day. I nickered and bobbed my head towards the food. Amanda told Damien what i wanted and Damien was hesitant to come closer to me. 

It was actually funny, seeing the big bad alpha scared of me. I walked gently over to him and sniffed his hand, playing the cautious horse. Finally, deeming it safe enough, i bit into  an apple that he was holding. i held back a moan. It was delicious! I bit into the apple again. It was just as delicious as the first bite. I went to bite the apple again and when i went to take another bite i realized that i ate it all. I nickered softly showing my protest. 

Damien chuckled softly and reached a hand out to pet my nose. I heard Amanda tell him to only go half way becuase trust needs to be built from two partners. he only went half way, and only after a moments hesitation, i reached my big head out and made contact with his hand. He petted my nose and i nickered. 

Just then, of course, we were interrupted. 

"Damien! There you are! where have you been? I have been looking for you everywhere." A screechy voice came through our moment. I heard Damien curse and stand up.

Frightened, i took a step back. Amanda jumped up, and came over to hush me. 

"Its okay baby girl. Its okay Kaleesi. You like your name baby? Kaleesi? It means queen. You're a queen aren't ya? yes you are." Amanda cooed at me to calm me down. " Crap, It is Emma. She is the beta's daughter and a total slut." Amanda whispered.

" Amanda, i can hear you, hello? I'm a werewolf not deaf. Idiot." Emma muttered. 

I neighed and stomped my hoof in irration of her insulting my friend. 

"Oh horsey, you wouldn't want an accident where you were sent to the glue factor would you? Becuase i can surely arrange that to happen ." Emma stated with a wicked grin.

At this point, Damien interrupted her. 

" Hey Baby, What's up?" Damien asks Emma.

At this, i felt a sharp pain in my chest. I was suppose to be the one that he called baby. I am his mate. not some stuck up slut.

I gently nudged Amanda's hand and i signaled that i wanted to go inside. she made a one second motion and ran to the side of the corral to grab my lead rope. i trotted over softly and when she turned around she made an 'oomph' sound due to being suprised. 

Finally, she attached the rope to my halter and we slowly exited the corral. I was in a hurry, excited to get away from Emma before i did something i regretted. I internally signed when we reached my stall. I realized that my stall was still on the end in the dark.

" I see that i need to ask Damien if we can move your stall up closer girl. It isn't good mentally that you are all alone. I'm sorry. that this had happened to you. " Amanda tried to sympthaize with me. 

In some ways i liked my stall. It hide me from the world and i did not have to socialize with other horses. I do not think they like me anyways. They always give me the stick eye. Amanda lead me into my stall and turned me around in a complete circle. Then the took my halter and lead rope off and hung it on the hook outside the door. 

"See you later Kaleesi. Sorry i cannot groom you. Alpha Damien sent a mindlink to us to tell us that there is a pack meeting. Supposly he met his mate." Amanda said, patting my nose and dropping an apple into my stall.

   I couldn't believe it. Was he telling people he met his mate when i am his mate? What was going on? Huffing, i bent my head down to get the apple. I munched on it, not even paying attention to the lovely taste. 

I decided to mindlink Luna. 


Yes deary?

What is going to happen to us if Damien accepts another girl to be his mate instead of us?

Oh hun, do not worry. Have i ever told you anything about being Mates?

No, you told me that i wasn't suppse to have my inner horse yet, and that i could not tell anyone and you said that my mom would explain it to me.. i guess you have to now..

its okay hun..Just listen ok?


When you are mates with someone, the whole world stops. as you already know for when you looked Damien in the eyes. And before you ask, in order to tell if someone is your mate, you need to look them in the eyes. Then your inner horse/wolf etc; will tell you "Mate" as i did to you. Then, when you touch, sparks will fly. You will find anyone else repulsing except your mate. 

Then how can he claim to say that another shifter is his mate? When i am? Shouldn't he be repulsed by her?

Darling, there are only so many things i know for right now. At the moment, both of our heads are muddled in confusion and it isn't helping me think. I will figure it out, but for now, just rest. It is the only thing we can do.

But luna... i want to run. I am so anxious. 

You cannot run now. I know your mother told you to never be tamed, but i think we can trust Amanda. You might agree or disagree, but i am only helping you in what i think is right.

Okay Luna, Good night.

good night darling.

----Next morning--- Brees POV----

The next morning i woke up to happy tunes. Everyone was running around with huge smiles on their faces. I was very confused. I tried to stick my head out of my stall when i remembered that i had bars along my stall door. Irrated, i huffed and waited for someone to come. 

Finally, I saw Amanda running towards my stall with a bucked of grain in one hand and a sleeve of hay in the other hand. I backed up, so she could come into my stall. When she opened my stall, and began to hang my food up, i trotted over towards her. She jumped a little in suprise.

" Hey Girl! Good news: Alpha Damien found his mate! Bad news: Its emma; the beta's daughter. You know, the bitchy one we met yesterday." Amanda said in a sing song voice.

That must be why everyone is so happy, i said to Luna. 

Strangly, i did not get a reply. Then wheni was about to take a bite out of my hay, what Amanda had said caught up to me. 

He claimed that Emma was HIS MATE? what about me...?

Suddenly i lost my appatiete..


This was posted as before the authors note when i wanted it after. so i took it down and redid it. 

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